EUNIS 2016

Congress Committees

Organizing Committee

The organizing committee is responsible for organizing the Program, budget, contracts, PR, sponsors, coordination of the work of the Scientific Committee, registration process, accommodation, evaluation of the Congress, the day to day Congress operations and logistics. The organizing committee is made up of the following members:

  • John Murphy, EUNIS’ President, Chair of the Programme Committee
  • Prof. Panos Argyrakis, Head of the IT Board of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Yiannis Salmatzidis, Chair of the Organizing Committee, Technical Manager of IT Center of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Angeliki Agorogianni, Head of Administration and User Support Unit of IT Center of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Dimitris Daskopoulos, Head  of Services Unit of IT Center of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Programme Committee

The programme committe is responsible for the Track Themes, Keynotes, decisions on review criteria, scheduling papers in thematic sessions. The programme committe is made up of the members of the Organizing committee as well as the following members:

  • Ilkka Siissalo,  EUNIS BencHEIT Task Force Leader
  • Elsa Cardoso,  EUNIS Business Intelligence Task Force Leader
  • Victoriano Giralt, EUNIS Interoperability Task Force Leader
  • Gill Ferrell, EUNIS eLearning Task Force Leader
  • Johan Bergstrom, Eunis Research and Analysis Initiative (ERAI) Leader
  • Noel Wilson, EUNIS Member
  • Michele Mennielli,  EUNIS Board Secretary
  • Michael Turpie, Chair of the Organizing Committee EUNIS 2015
  • Jean-François Desnos, EUNIS Executive Secretary

Scientific Committee

The scientific committee is responsible for reviewing of abstracts, chairing sessions at the Congress and for appointing nominees for the Best Paper Award. The committee is made up of the members of the Programme committee as well as the following members:

  • Asbjørn Reglund Thorsen, Oslo University, Norway
  • Raimund Vogl, EUNIS Treasurer
  • Bas Cordewener, EUNIS Board Member
  • Ramon Grau Sala, EUNIS Board Member
  • Mikael Berglund, EUNIS Board Member
  • Tomasz Szmuc, EUNIS Board Member
  • Ligia Maria Ribeiro, EUNIS Board Member
  • Valérie Le Strat, EUNIS Board Member
  • Malte Dreyer, EUNIS Board Member
  • Amandine Alehyane, ERAI’s Editorial Committee Member
  • Yves Epelboin, ERAI’s Editorial Committee Member
  • Anna Pacholak, ERAI’s Editorial Committee Member
  • Thierry koscielniak, ERAI’s Editorial Committee Member
  • Jan Madey, EUNIS past President
  • Spiros Bolis, GUNET (Greek Universities Network)
  • Panayiotis Tsanakas, Chairman of GRNET  (Greek NREN)
  • Athina Vakali, Member of the IT Board of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Georgios Pagkalos, Member of the IT Board of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Nikolaos Pitsianis, Member of the IT Board of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Susan Grajek,  EDUCAUSE, Vice President, Data, Research, and Analytics
  • Ed Simons, euroCRIS, President
  • Anne Kealley, CAUDIT, CEO
  • Peter Tinson, UCISA Executive Director