EUNIS 2016

Pre-Congress IT Leaders Forum

During the 2016 Congress in Thessaloniki, EUNIS will launch a new initiative dedicated to IT Leaders in Higher Education across Europe: the EUNIS IT Leaders Forum.
IT Directors, CIOs and Heads of IT Departments are invited to join this exclusive Forum on Tuesday June 7th, 16:00-18:00. It will be an excellent opportunity to learn about and discuss their roles, concerns and challenges across Europe and to share their experience and ideas.
As well as offering excellent networking opportunities, the IT Leaders Forum will include presentations on the latest EUNIS’ activities that are specifically designed to support the decision making processes. The joint EDUCAUSE/JISC joint publication Defining the Strategic IT Leader and the EUNIS Board’s ideas on how to strengthen the European IT Leaders Community will also be articulated and discussed.

The forum  will be held at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and there is no cost to attend.


Aristotle University’s Research Dissemination Center (KEDEA)


Jun 07 2016


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm