EUNIS 2016

Useful Information

Euro (€) is the currency of Greece.

[Banks in Thessaloniki]
There are major bank institutions (Greek and International) available in Thessaloniki, easily accessible, where the stuff can communicate in English language. All banks are open to the public from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 14:30, except Friday where they close at 14:00. There are banks in Thessaloniki, where some branches are open until late evening hours:

Alpha bank: 43 Tsimiski St, daily until 17:00.
Euro bank: Cosmos Mediterranean – 11 Km Thessaloniki – Moudanion Road, +30 2310 474.930, open daily 10:00-17:30 and Saturday 10:15 – 15:00.
Euro bank: Eleftherias Sq, 7 Ionos Dragoumi, +30 2310 018.980, open daily 8:00-17:30 and Saturday 10:15 – 15:00.
TT Hellenic Post bank: 14 Aristotelous St, +30 2310 279.685, 241.044, 220.329, 275,590, Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday: 07:30 – 18:45, Friday: 07:30 – 18:00.

Also, there is an extended network of ATMs, which can serve all major credit cards.

[Time Zone]
Greece is in the Eastern European Time Zone (GMT+2). Like most countries in Europe, the summer (Daylight-Saving) Time is (GMT+3).

[Greece’s Country Code]
Greece’s Country Code is: +30 + phone number.

[Health Care and Safety]
You should feel perfectly safe to eat and drink everything and the tab water all over Greece is absolutely safe. Residents of E.U. countries are eligible for receiving free emergency medical care.

[Emergency calls]
Emergency ambulance service: 166
On-duty hospitals, clinics, doctors & pharmacies: 1434
Police (emergency number): 100

[Climate – Weather Conditions in September]
Thessaloniki combines the Mediterranean and the Mid-European temperature climates. Situated next to the sea, the city’s climate is directly affected by it. The summer is upon us and day temperatures in Thessaloniki can reach 30 degrees Celsius in June: perfect for a visit to the beach. Even in cloudy days (there aren’t many in June) the lowest temperatures rarely drop below 18 degrees and the daily average floats around a comfy 23 degrees.

For those looking to venture a bit further away from the city to enjoy the sun, the province of Chalkidiki is literally full of spotless beaches and pristine coastlines waiting to be explored.

Weather conditions in June can be described as follows:
Average sunlight: 15 hours
Average min temperature: 16*C
Average max temperature: 29°C
Average precipitation: 31mm

[Shopping in Thessaloniki]
Greece is the ideal place to shop a wide variety of products. Prices are reasonable and there are goods for all budgets. Shops are open (during summer period) Monday through Friday from 09.00 till 21.00. On Saturdays shops stay open from 09.00 till 15.00, while they are closed on Sundays.
Malls and big stores operate:
Monday-Friday: 09:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 18:00 or 20:00

Shops, boutiques and other commercial markets, operate:
Monday/ Wednesday/ Saturday: 09:00 – 15:00
Tuesday/ Thursday/Friday: 09:00 – 14:30 and 17:30 – 21:00