EUNIS 2021

Research management and repositories

This session consists of four short presentations on Research management and repositories.

Featured speakers

Markus Blank-Burian, Münster University, ML and GPU Accelerated Visualization with JupyterHub (#17) Abstract Slides Recording

Holger Angenent, Münster University, Moving the sciebo Sync and Share Cloud Service to State-of-the-Art Cloud Technology (#24) Abstract Slides Recording

Aldona Tomczyńska, Sylwia Ostrowska, Emil Podwysocki, National Information Processing Institute, Open access to data about higher education and science. Case study of the RAD-on platform in Poland/Integrated access to data about science and higher education in the context of General Data Protection Regulation (#26/27) AbstractAbstract Slides /Recording

Maria Perifanou and Anastasios A. Economides, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, Language OERs in Open Repositories (#9) Abstract Slides /Recording