EUNIS24 Congress

Measuring Digital Readiness and Digital Maturity: part 2

Open workshop in the frame of the Erasmus+ project DigiReady+

Topic: Measuring Digital Readiness and Digital Maturity.

Duration: half  day / afternoon
Facilitators: Nikolaos Avouris, Konstantinos Tsimpanis, Yannis Dimitriadis
Format: Hands-on training session


The DigiReady+project (A Higher Education Framework for measuring digital readiness) aims at defining a framework and developing a prototype,  to measure digital readiness indicators for the particular higher education institution. It is a three-year project in its third year of activities.

The event aims at capturing the feedback and disseminating the project results in the context of European Higher Education Institutions. It also aims to bring together people involved in higher education, to discuss how the integration of digital technologies in Higher Education changes the landscape, the challenges it can introduce and how to develop strategies towards supporting digital readiness.

In this event, participants will:
a) be introduced to the DigiReady+ Integrated Framework and Tools for assessing HEIs Digital Readiness based on Institutional and Instructional Data Analytics and how this framework can be used on multiple levels, such as when designing Policies and Strategies for the academic community or when creating curricula and teaching plans for promoting digital learning;
b) gain insights regarding the UDReady Tool for assessing Digital Readiness in HEIs and existing practices that other European HEIs have in place regarding digital readiness;
c) learn what kind of data can be used to assess digital readiness and, consequently, how to simplify the process of designing digitalized solutions for teaching and learning;
d) discuss with other stakeholders and experts the challenges that academic institutions may face from the integration of digital technologies, especially in the post-pandemic era, what successful practices we established during the pandemic we should maintain, and how to move forward.

Organized jointly be the Greek partners of the project, GUNET, and U.Patras.




Jun 04 2024


14:00 - 17:00