EUNIS24 Congress

Learning & Teaching

This session consists of a sponsor case study followed by three presentations.

Featured Speakers

Hartmut Kulessa and Vanessa Lovric, Panasonic Connect Europe:
Shaping the Future of Education: Leveraging Innovative Technologies and Best Case Studies

Get ready to be inspired at our Panasonic session as we reveal how new technologies are changing the way we learn and teach. We’ll explore real case studies from across Europe to show how innovative tools are transforming education.

  • Discover firsthand how institutions strategically employ AVoIP and Intel® SDM to optimize costs and bolster connectivity.
  • Explore the seamless integration of flexible lecture capture solutions and collaborative tools, fostering dynamic engagement within classrooms.

Step into the future of education with immersive rooms, set to transform traditional learning spaces.

Join us for insights into the convergence of technology and education, shaping the future of collaboration, engagement, and innovation.

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Ioannis Zachros, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece:
A Learning Hub for Automated Creation-Delivery of Audio-Visual Content. A Success Case Study #83

The Information Technology (IT) Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) designed and implemented, utilizing on-premises resources, a central platform powered by the latest technology to streamline access to educational resources and Audio-Visual (AV) services. This learning hub offers two key benefits:

  • Find and watch videos easily: Search and view engaging, categorized videos on diverse topics, like lectures, conferences, award ceremonies, and research findings.
  • Create and share content seamlessly: Professors can leverage advanced AV systems in 105 classrooms and auditoriums to stream live classes, record lectures automatically, and support various teaching methods (onsite, online, blended, or hybrid), reaching students everywhere.

Furthermore, the platform offers transparent and easily accessible information regarding AV infrastructure usage, encompassing guidelines, manuals, and regulations. It serves as a centralized point of contact for all AV-related requests.
This learning hub empowers students and professors alike, fostering a more engaging and accessible learning experience at AUTh.

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Konstantinos Tsimpanis, Pantelis Balaouras, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece:
Evaluation of the Open Courses at the University of Athens and lessons learned

This paper focuses on the evaluation and lessons learned from the creation and delivery of Open Courses by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and other Greek Higher Education Institutions, as well as presents the benefits derived for society, teachers, and higher education institutions. The evaluation was based on two surveys of teachers who participated in the creation of Open Courses and of learners, the general public and students, who participated in Open Courses. The surveys were completed by 57 and 1005 teachers and learners, respectively. The evaluation results show that the Open Courses have received a very high level of acceptance from both teachers and learners.

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Aleksandra Kołodziejczak, National Information Processing Institute, Warsaw, Poland:
The Scalability of E-learning Platforms: The NAVOICA case #37

This article discusses the importance of scalability in e-learning platforms, using the Polish NAVOICA platform as a case study. Scalability adapts a platform’s infrastructure to increasing numbers of users and courses. NAVOICA relies on container technologies, orchestration, microservice architecture, and cloud computing, which ensure its flexibility and security. This positions NAVOICA strongly to address the challenges of modern online education, such as the rising popularity of massive open online courses (MOOCs), expanding user bases, and the increasingly widening array of courses.

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