EUNIS24 Congress

Pre conference 5 | Mobility and Digital Credentials | Analysing Misconceptions

SIG Mobility and Digital Credentials

Topic: Analysing Misconceptions around Mobility and Digital Credentials (introduction SIG ambitions and discussing first findings)

Duration: half day (morning)
Facilitators: Carmen Diaz (SIGMA), Lluís Alfons Ariño Martín (University of Rovira i Virgili), Peter Leijnse (SURF), Geir Magne Vagen (SIKT)

The recently established  SIG Mobility and Digital Credentials looks at Mobility and DIgital Credentials from the institutional perspective. At the pre-conference workshop members will inform about the SIG’s scope and ambitions. They will present the first work done to address misconceptions in the thinking about and the approaches towards the realisation of an optimal Mobility and DIgital Credentials environment. These first analyses on identified misconceptions will be discussed to adjust, enhance and validate views and conclusions.

Jointly we hope to prioritise other misconceptions/challenges that could benefit from a critical analysis by experts of the SIG.

Expected audience: all who are interested in Mobility and Digital Credentials or working on xMobility and Digital Credentials solutions

Detailed programme schedule can be found here: [PDF].
A few days before the workshop, registered attendees will receive three discussion papers by email.


Room 201


Jun 04 2024


10:00 - 13:00