EUNIS BI Task Force Conference: 6-7th March
EUNIS BI Task Force Conference is held on 6-7th March 2014 in Paris, organized by AMUE, CINECA and SIGMA, with keynote speakers from New York University and University of Bologna. The conference […]
EUNIS2014 congress news
A news update from the congress organisers. The programme is beginning to take shape and the first invited speakers are booked. Get ready…soon the registration to the congress will open. […]
New MOOCs from Virchow-Villermé Institute already opened
New MOOCs from Virchow-Villermé Institute already opened. MOOC: Fighting against Outbreaks of Emerging Infectious Diseases is available here in English, French and soon German. One of the Centre Virchow-Villerméis major objectives is to gather MOOCs […]
ECCA 2014 – Registration Now Open
The registration is now open for the 12th annual European Campus Card Conference 2014. This year the Annual Conference is taking place at the University of Cantabria, in Santander, Spain […]
EMOOCs 2014, 10-12 Feb, Lausanne
EMOOCs 2014 the Second MOOC European Stakeholders Summit, will be held on February 10-12, 2014 in Lausanne (Switzerland). The goal of the summit is to develop synergies among European universities around themes such as […]
EUNIS 2014 Events
We invite you and your institution representatives to attend our 2014 events: January 31: don’t forget to submit a paper to the 20th EUNIS Congress and compete for the EUNIS […]
Call for 2014 EUNIS E-learning Award
Is your university making innovative use of technology to support learning and teaching? If so, you might be a contender for the EUNIS 2014 Dørup E-learning Award. The EUNIS Dørup E-learning […]
Bomgar – University of Reading
Collaborative IT Support at the University of Reading Since 2012 British Universities have been able to charge £9,000 (about $15,000) per year for tuition fees. I wrote last year, following […]
A little bird told me …
A little bird told me … EUNIS increasingly publishes news, updates, research opportunities and articles of general interest via Twitter. Don’t miss out on the latest updates – follow us […]
BI Maturity Survey: extended to Dec 31
EUNIS evaluates BI maturity in Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Sweden, Finland, Ireland and now UK… EUNIS is conducting an evaluation of the maturity level of Business Intelligence initiatives in […]