Eunis Research and Analysis Initiative

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Launch of ERAI – EUNIS Research and Analysis Initiative

We are happy to announce the launch of ERAI – the EUNIS Research and Analysis Initiative.

The main goal of ERAI is to provide a platform where to find the information a University management needs to understand the uses and trends of IT for the European Higher Education system? Through ERAI, EUNIS will: provide case studies from specific countries, compare studies between two or several countries, share contributions coming from Members, write EUNIS’ articles, publish and promote surveys and analysis of the Task Forces, etc.

  • ERAI will support university IT leaders to develop their business
  • ERAI will support the European Union in understanding differences and similarities of the Higher Education IT issues in the different European countries.
  • ERAI will offer Corporate Members the opportunity to establish a fruitful collaboration with the Universities.
  • Most importantly, ERAI will give EUNIS the possibility to collect and manage content coming from Europe, making it the official “megaphone” of the all members.
