EUNIS 2016


Panagiotis Kampylis Panagiotis Kampylis
Panagiotis Kampylis (/panayiotis kabilis/) is a life-long learner and research fellow at the European Commission´s Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) based in Seville. In JRC-IPTS he contributes mainly to research and policy support in the field of ICT for Learning, Key Competences and Open Education. His current work focuses on the European Framework for Digitally-Competent Educational Organisations, Digital Education Policies, Computational Thinking and Entrepreneurship Competence. Panagiotis holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences from the University of Jyväskylä (Finland). He has conducted research and he has (co-)authored several scientific publications in the fields of creativity and innovation in education and training; arts education; ICT-enhanced learning; and key competences for life-long learning. Before joining the JRC-IPTS in 2012 he worked many years as a primary school teacher, head teacher and teacher trainer. He is a member of the scientific and organising committees for conferences, seminars and workshops. He is also an invited speaker at various events in the field of education and training and a reviewer for research journals. Presentation Title : Supporting European Higher Education Institutions go digital through conceptual frameworks and self-assessment tools