EUNIS 2021


Hermann Strack Hermann Strack
Prof. Dr. Hermann Strack, a full professor for network management and computer sciences since 2000 at HS Harz, also the coordinator for Informatics / E-Administration study course, the speaker of the Competence Centre as well as the head of the Network Laboratory (netlab) and the ICT Innovation Laboratory - SecInfPro-Geo (Security, Infrastructure, Process Integration & Geographical Information Systems), as well as the coordinator of CyberSecurity Network LSA (see Furthermore, he is a member of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI e.V.) and the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (CAST e.V.). In 2007 Prof. Strack was a co-founder of the European rs3g-group in Rome - rome-student-systems-and-stand-ards-group (rs3g) - a group which moved to European University Informations Systems as an EUNIS task force in 2009. Prof. Strack has focused his research activities mainly on the conception, the development and the implementation of (mobile) systems in the areas of IT-Security and E-Government. Specifically, he focuses on the development of eID based applications with the identity card in Germany (eID/PA) and eID/eIDAS, namely in the EU CEF Projects TREATS and StudIES+.