Good for all in the digital world: panel discussion

The European Commission and Europe’s political leaders have great ambitions for digital transformation to deliver public services and economic growth in ways that are compatible with European public values. A high quality, digitally-transformed education system plays a major role in this vision. However, the grand aims of digital transformation and transnational collaboration are all too often mired in the realities of inefficient business processes, poor data quality and lack of interoperability. Moreover, the more we open ourselves up to Europe-wide and global collaboration, the more we fear loss of sovereignty over our data, infrastructure and processes.

This discussion investigates what EUNIS stakeholders (who include individuals, universities, NRENs and suppliers) can do to ensure that growth and collaboration can happen in ways that are compatible with European public values. We discuss how the 1EdTech community is developing a technical ecosystem in line with these values and how work in the Netherlands led by the Dutch NREN, SURF, as an example of good practice in this area. We look at the role suppliers play and how the development of a Trust Framework may help protect our public values.

The session will be a panel discussion with representatives of EUNIS stakeholder groups.

Downloads: paper in EJHEIT




Jun 02 2022


3:30 pm - 4:00 pm