The benefits of knowing your numbers: Panel discussion on benchmarking Higher Education IT

EUNIS BencHEIT group runs a free of charge yearly survey with the aim of establishing a comprehensive knowledge of how cost efficiently IT works in European universities. CIOs tell us this information is invaluable them. Regular participants find it hard to imagine how they coped beforehand when they had little or no clue what IT was costing them.

Join our panel of experienced benchmarkers to find out about costs, volumes and how to go about gathering data. Most importantly, discover the benefits of knowing your numbers

The BencHEIT Task Force gathers the data and generates an analysis for the CIOs to use in comparing the organization’s IT costs and volumes to their peer’s numbers. It also provides them with tools to start more detailed discussions on how to improve the performance of institute’s IT services. Analysis gives some perspectives to common developments within the higher education IT. The survey is a quantitative study, where we ask the participating organisations to gather the costs and volumes from IT and divide it into services, account groups and organizational level. For the centralized IT it is usually fairly easy, but when we dig into the other centralized (not the centralized IT, but serving the whole HEI), and also the distributed IT; in smaller departments and faculties, it is much harder to find all the data needed. However, all participants have said that this is truly valuable information, even though it is hard to find.

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Jun 03 2022


10:00 am - 10:30 am