EUNIS24 Congress

Benchmarking & Trends 2

This session shares insights from the French delegation’s participation in the EDUCAUSE 2023 conference. The delegation has significantly contributed to advancing global educational strategies and fostering a community of shared knowledge through both the French and English versions of their reports over a number of years. Join them to hear their thoughts on key outcomes and topics you might like to explore in the full report.

Featured Speakers

Thierry Koscielniak, Frédéric Habert and Nina Reignier-Tayar, CSIESR / École nationale supérieure des arts et métiers
David Rongeat, Valerie LeStrat, AMUE, France:

Bridging Continents: Insights and Innovations from the French Delegation at EDUCAUSE 2023 #98

This article delves into the outcomes of the French delegation’s participation in the EDUCAUSE 2023 conference. By sharing insights through both the French and English versions of their report, the delegation has significantly contributed to advancing global educational strategies and fostering a community of shared knowledge.

Download the presentation