EUNIS24 Congress


Hermann Strack Hermann Strack
Prof. Dr. Hermann Strack, a full professor for network management and computer sciences since 2000 at HS Harz, also the coordinator for Informatics / E-Administration study course, the speaker of the Competence Centre as well as the head of the Network Laboratory (netlab) and the ICT Innovation Laboratory - SecInfPro-Geo (Security, Infrastructure, Process Integration & Geographical Information Systems), as well as the coordinator of CyberSecurity Network LSA (see Furthermore, he is a member of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI e.V.) and the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (CAST e.V.). In 2007 Prof. Strack was a co-founder of the European rs3g-group in Rome - rome-student-systems-and-standards-group (rs3g) - a group which moved to European University Informations Systems as an EUNIS task force in 2009. Prof. Strack has focused his research activities mainly on the conception, the development / implementation of systems in the areas of ITSecurity and E-Government. Specifically, he focuses on the development of eID based applications with the identity card in Germany (eID/PA) and eID/eIDAS, namely in the EU CEF Projects TREATS, StudIES+.