EUNIS24 Congress


Marta Lopez-Reyes Marta Lopez-Reyes
Marta Lopez-Reyes is Quality expert at UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - Open University of Catalonia). She is responsible for Software Quality Assessment and Control at the institution. With more than a decade of expertise as the lead administrator of the Atlassian suite at UOC, her primary emphasis has been configuring the tool to extract and present key indicators from Atlassian, Continuous Integration (CICD) and other applications from their IT ecosystem. She also defines and adapts the procedures of teams and suppliers to ensure that everyone works in the same way and thus obtains cross-sectional indicators. Beyond her professional responsibilities, a personal interest in organizing and structuring information enhances the quality of her work. She holds a ISTQB certification, and a computer science and software engineering degree from the UPC (Universitat politècnica de Catalunya - Polytechnic University of Catalonia).