EUNIS24 Congress


Juan R. Alegret Juan R. Alegret Academic Portals - Founder & CEO
Technology and Education passionate with 25 years’ experience in EdTech, supporting education institutions in their Digital Transformation journey. With a background in Computer Science he started his professional journey as product developer and later as a business development manager, having worked in various countries including Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United Kingdom. With over 25 years of experience in the field of EdTech, Juan has developed a deep expertise in the intersection of education and technology. Juan’s commitment to education and technology remains unwavering. Through Academic Portals, he offers his knowledge, experience, and strategic guidance to empower Higher Education institutions to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape successfully. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by institutions and a passion for driving positive change, Juan Alegret is poised to make a significant impact in the field of education.