Speakers - Curriculum Vitae
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Roman Cabálek
Managing director
Roman Cabálek was appointed managing director with effect from 1 August 2010. Since 1999 he has worked at Microsoft in various positions in the OEM sales division in the Czech Republic. From 2002 he worked in the management of the OEM division at Microsoft headquarters for Central and Eastern Europe and became the general manager of the OEM Division for Central and Eastern Europe in 2008.
Prior to joining Microsoft, Roman worked as a PR and marketing manager in Sony Czech. He additionally held various sales and marketing positions at Beiersdorf and Studio Lukas and was a teacher and later deputy director of elementary schools in Dobřichovice.
Roman studied mathematics, physics and pedagogy at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Palacký University in Olomouc, and foreign trade at the University of Economics in Prague. He devotes most of his spare time to his four children. His hobbies include recreational tennis and basketball.
Ana Maria Costa Freitas
Ana Maria Costa Freitas (1954) holds a degree in agronomy (food science) by the Technical University of Lisbon and a PhD on biotechnology by the University of Évora, Portugal; she got her aggregation degree in 2004. She has been leader in several scientific research projects, head of University Department, and vice President of a research centre in Évora as well as responsible for a research line in a research centre in New University of Lisbon.
From 2006-2010 she was vice rector at Évora University, being responsible for the supervising of the Academic Services. She was in charge for the implementation of the Bologna process at Évora University, including curricula changes 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle as well as the creation and implementation of the LLL office and the organization and Implementation of a graduate school in Évora University. She was also responsible for the accreditation process of all courses by the National Accreditation Agency.
She was in charge of international relations with the European University Association, as well as the Council for Doctoral Education and she was responsible for the implementation of the recommendations made by the European University Association evaluation and for the elaboration of the follow-up report in February 2010.
She joined the Outreach team of the Bureau for European Policy Advisers (BEPA) from the European Commission in April 2011 as adviser for Higher Education. From April 2011 to January 2012 she participated actively on discussions held to support the Commission Communication on Modernization of Universities (September 2011) as well as the Erasmus for All program (November 2011). Still in BEPA, in January 2012, her scope as advisor was enlarged when she was appointed to join the team of the first Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission.
Emilio Ferrari
Professor Emilio Ferrari was born in Bologna in 1962, he degrees in Mechanical engineering at the University of Bologna 1998. After a brief experience in the industrial sector of packaging, in 1990 he becomes Researcher in the scientific area of Industrial Plants at the University of Bologna. Since 1998 till 2000 he works at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia as Assistant Professor in Industrial Plants and Industrial Logistics. Since november 2000 he is Full Professor in Industrial Logistics at the Department of Mechanical Constructions (DIEM) of the University of Bologna.
He is currently Vice-chancellor of Alma Mater Studiorum and President of CINECA, a non profit Consortium for IT services and high performance computing, made up of 54 Italian universities, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGS, the CNR (National Research Council), and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).
Since 2004 to 2007 Dean of the course degree in Management Engineering. Director of the Master degree in "Integrated logistics" at the Faculty of Engineering in Bologna. Director of the Summer School "F. Turco" on Industrial plants X e XI ed. 2005-06. Wide teaching experience about industrial plants, logistics and service plants at public or private corporations (PROFINGEST, COFIMP API Bologna and Modena, NEXT Padova, EFESO Bologna).
Jeff Haywood
Professor Jeff Haywood
Vice Principal Knowledge Management, CIO & Librarian
Information Services
University of Edinburgh
Main Library
George Square
tel: +44 (0)131 650 4976
fax: +44 (0)131 650 4101
Email: jeff.haywood@ed.ac.uk
Homepage: http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/jhaywood
Professor Jeff Haywood is Vice-Principal for Knowledge Management, Chief Information Officer and Librarian at the University of Edinburgh. He is responsible for the University's integrated Information Service which contains the Library, the IT services and the eLearning Services. He leads current major initiatives in expanding online distance education, high performance computing services, research data management & storage services, the redesign of the University website, selection of the next generation VLE, development of technology-rich study spaces, and e-assessment.
Jeff also holds the position of Professor of Education & Technology in the University's School of Education. His research interests are in the development of strategies for effective use of ICT in education at institutional, national and international levels, with a particular emphasis on understanding learner experiences.
Jeff is a member of the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Board (www.jisc.ac.uk), its Transition Group and past Chair of the Coimbra Group Taskforce on E-learning (www.coimbra-group.be). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Josef Hynek
Professor Josef Hynek completed successfully MBA program at the Business School of the University of Hull in 1994 and he got his Ph.D. in theoretical informatics from The School of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague in 1998. He was a member of the team that established the Faculty of Informatics and Management at the University of Hradec Králové. He has been working at this school at several managerial positions and since 2002 he served two terms as a dean of the school. He was elected rector of the University of Hradec Kralove in 2008 and re-elected for the second term in 2012.
His research activities cover a broad area of advanced technology utilization and he is also still active in the field of soft-computing applications. He is a member of IEEE Computer Society, Association for Logic Programming, and member of the review board of several scientific journals.
Grzegorz Jarzembski
Grzegorz Jarzembski, (mathematician) PhD, Nicolaus Copernicus University professor; in years 2002-2008 vice rector of the university responsible for development and IT infrastructure, in years 2008-2012 Rector's Proxy for IT. Member of EUNIS Council since 2008, member of Board of Directors of MUCI (Polish Interuniversity Centre for IT).
Anita Lehikoinen
Director General
Department for Higher Education and Science Policy
Ministry of Education and Culture
Anita Lehikoinen has served the Finnish Ministry of Education since 1989. At the moment, she is responsible for higher education and science policy development at the Ministry. Prior to her current position she worked in the field of higher education and was responsible, for example, for the implementation of the Bologna process in Finland and internationalisation strategy for higher education. She has also worked for the reform of the steering system of Finnish universities. She has served in many national and European committees in the field of higher education, research and internationalisation.
Zbigniew Marciniak
Professor Zbigniew Marciniak was born in 1952 in Warsaw. He is a mathematician, specializing in algebra.
He is a professor in the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Warsaw. In 1976 he graduated at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw. In 1982 he received a PhD in mathematics at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; in 1997 he obtained a post-doctoral degree at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.
Professor Marciniak has worked at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw since 1976. From 1996 through 1999 he was the vice dean and from 2000 through 2005 – the dean of the Institute. In the years 2005-2007 he held the post of the President of the State Accreditation Committee. In the years 2007-2010 he was the chairman of the Commission of Didactics in the Committee of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. From 2007 through 2009 he held the post of Under Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Education, where he was responsible for defining main principles in the education curriculum reform and the quality of teaching. From January 2010 till February 2012 he held the post of Under Secretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where he was responsible for the reform of higher education institutions. He also chairs the governmental committee on the implementation of the European Qualification Framework.
Professor Zbigniew Marciniak has been a member of the Mathematics Expert Group of the OECD PISA project, continuously since 2002. He has been appointed the Chair of the MEG for the PISA 2015 cycle.
Professor Zbigniew Marciniak is the author of more than 30 scientific public-cations in the field of algebra. He is a member of editorial committees of periodicals: "Delta" and "Algebra and Discrete Mathematics".
For his contribution to supporting mathematically-talented students he was honoured the Silver Cross of Merit and the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
Married, two children.
José Carlos Marques dos Santos
José Marques dos Santos was born the 31st of January of 1947 in the Guinea Bissau. He took a degree in Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and took the MSc and Ph.D at the University of Manchester (UK) in Digital Electronics.
He is Full Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto since 1989.
He was Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for 11 years, Vice-Rector at the University of Porto, between 2002 and 2006 and he was elected for the first term as Rector of the same University on July 2006. In 2010 was elected for the second term (four years) as Rector of University of Porto.
Jordi Masias i Muntada
e-Administration Manager
Catalan Públic Universities Association
Received his degree in computer science from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and a master degree in Information Services Business Management from the Universitat de Barcelona.
Since May 2008 he is the Manager of the e-Administration project of the Catalan Public Universities Association (8 Universities).
Since October 2007 he is a Senior Consultant of e-Administration, e-security, electronic documents, etc. And woks for the Catalan Government, different universities: Alicante University, Navarra University, ... different cities: Barcelona, Sant Cugat, Sabadell, Terrassa, ... and other public administrations: Barcelona Port Authority, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, ...
Since October 2002 until October 2007, he was the General Manager of CATCert (Agència Catalana de Certificació), the trust agency for the Catalan public Administrations.
Member of the Strategic Information Society Catalan Plan.
Member of the Chambersign Board, the European Chamber of Commerce Certification Authority.
General Manager of Camerfirma, the digital certification of the Spanish Chambers of Commerce (since October 2000 until October 2002). He is responsible for the expansion of the digital certification service to all Chambers throughout Spain and also manages the expansion of Chamber CA services throughout Latin America.
Responsible for the Technology Strategy Services Department of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (since July 1993 until October 2000). This department manages the Chamber's digital certification and electronic commerce programs.
Co-organiser of the Internet Global Conference in Barcelona, the most important event in Spain designed to address the specific needs of SMEs in the Information Society and the Barcelona Information Technologies (BIT), a trade show presenting the latest information technology solutions for SMEs in Spain.
Leo Plugge
Dr. Leo Plugge received his Master's degree in Cognitive Psychology at the Utrecht University in 1986. In 1992 he received his PhD from the Medical Faculty at Maastricht University for his thesis on computer aided multidisciplinary medical diagnosis of Alzheimer and other forms of dementia.
From 1993 Leo worked at the Dept. of Computer Science as Associate Professor where he did research on knowledge management and the use of internet technology for national and international police communication. In 2001 he was installed as Executive Secretary of the Scientific Technical Council (WTR) an independent advisory council of Stichting SURF. Additionally Leo is Executive Secretary of the Governing Board of GigaPort3, the high speed research network innovation program. He was also member of the committee that established the Netherlands e‑Science Center in 2011 and is research fellow with the Tilburg Center for Cognition and Communication at Tilburg University.
J.-Ch. Pomerol
J.-Ch. Pomerol is born in 1943, he is professor of Computer Science at the P. and M. Curie University (UPMC) in Paris (France) and senior advisor of the President. He formerly was Rector of the university from March 2006 to August 2011. Before 2006 he was Vice-Rector of the University and chairman of the Scientific Council of the University; he was also in charge of technological transfer for five year (acting as the head of the technological transfer office of the UPMC, he was responsible for a team of 30 persons, 15 millions of euros of turnover, one hundred patents and several joint labs with the industry). He also belongs to the board of University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC).
J.-Ch. Pomerol was also with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) for five years as a project manager for computer science, automatics and signal processing. He was formerly the head of the computer science department of UPMC and then, for six years he headed the lab of Artificial Intelligence of UPMC/CNRS.
Paul Rühl
Dr. Paul Rühl has been Managing Director of the Bavarian Virtual University (Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern) since its foundation in 2000.
He holds a doctoral degree in philology (Slavic languages and literatures) from Bochum University, where he worked in several research groups on comparative pedagogy, psycholinguistics and Soviet culture.
From 1986 until 2000, Paul Rühl was chief editor for self-study materials at Langenscheidt, Germany's largest publishing house for bilingual dictionaries.
In addition to his post in the Bavarian Virtual University, Paul Rühl is Co-Chairman of the Steering Committee for the German Eduserver (Deutscher Bildungsserver).
Ivo Vondrák
Professor Ivo Vondrák is one of the main co-founders of the education in the area of computer science at the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava where he has been working since 1989. After seven years in a position of a dean at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science he was elected and has become a rector of the university on February 1st 2010. His education experience is also related with University of Palacký and University of Leoben in Austria where was teaching almost 10 year as a visiting professor. He had very close research cooperation with Software and Systems Labs of Texas Instruments, Inc. at Dallas in the area of system modeling and simulation during nineties. Prof. Vondrák established IT Cluster that coordinates activities in the area of IT of more than 50 companies operating in Czech Republic. He has been a chairman of executive board of IT Cluster since 2006. In 2005 prof. Vondrák obtained an award Manager of the Year in the Education Field and in 2007 he was nominated as a Person of the Year in IT. Right now prof. Vondrák is a leader of the project IT4Innovation which is financed from EU Structural Funds. The main goal of this project is to build the biggest supercomputing center in Czech Republic. Prof. Vondrák is also member of R&D Council of the Czech Government.