Eunis Research and Analysis Initiative

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We would love to recieve your contribution. This can be on a topic of your choice, something you would like to share with the European Higher Education IT community. It can also be on a specific topic. Something we will call out for on this site.



BencHEIT event in Bologna Dec 1st – programme update

We would like to remind you that registration for the next BencHEIT Task Force Workshop will close on November 16th.

Several IT benchmarking initiatives from different Countries will be discussed during the event.
If you haven’t had the chance to register yet, please take a look at the interesting program.

Participation in the event is open, free of charge, to all EUNIS Members. If you are not a EUNIS Member Institution, but interested in this topic, please contact Michele Mennielli ( to learn more about the event. There are limited number of seats available, but it might be possible for you to attend.

We hope to see you all soon in Bologna!