
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia is Professor (outstanding class) of Computer Science at Sorbonne University. He pursues his research activities in the LIP6 (Laboratory of Computer Science of SU), where he heads the ACASA team. He is also deputy director of the OBVIL Laboratory of Excellence, in which the humanists of Sorbonne University cooperate with the computer scientists of LIP6 on the literary side of Digital Humanities. He participates actively, whit the ACASA team to the EthicAA project that deals with the ethics of autonomous agents. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia is an EurAI fellow, a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and the chairman of the COMETS that is the CNRS ethical committee. He is also member of the CERNA (Ethical Committee of Allistene on Digital Sciences). His current research activities are focused on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Symbolic Data Fusion, Computational Ethics, Computer Ethics and Digital Humanities. He published more than 400 papers in conference proceedings, scientific journals and books. His two last books are: Le mythe de la Singularité : faut-il craindre l’intelligence artificielle ?, éditions du Seuil, 2017 L’intelligence artificielle : vers une domination programmée ?, éditions du Cavalier Bleu, 2017.