EUNIS23 Congress

Digital Maturity 1: identifying and measuring #31 #67

This session consists of two presentations looking at approaches to measuring digital maturity

Featured Speakers

Markus von der Heyde, vdh-IT:
A Standardised Digital Maturity Index and the Application to Higher Education #31
This paper presents a Digital Maturity Index (DMI), which is generic in its structure but can be easily adapted to a specific sector such as the higher education ecosystem. The status of digitisation in German higher education is presented using the Higher Education Reference Model (HERM). Additional insights made possible by the robust but discriminating measurement of the new tool are presented. A summary discusses the index’s potential, shortcomings, and additional areas of application.

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Konstantinos Tsimpanis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens:
Implementing a data-driven framework for measuring digital readiness across European universities #67
This paper explores the feasibility of defining a data-driven framework for assessing digital readiness in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This is part of a project that aims at measuring digital readiness indicators with the ultimate objective to contribute to the quality assurance processes of the institutions. The project involves the design and demonstration of a prototype toolkit and an Application Programming Interface to enable self-reflection, using data sourced from the institutions’ information systems, which are aligned with the indicators of the framework, to provide feedback to relevant stakeholders. The reported research examines information sources of the HEIs involved, auditing of proposed framework indicators, and proposals for further review on digital readiness frameworks and other data-driven approaches as well as the first architectural considerations on implementing the Digital Readiness tool.

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Mar 2


Jun 14 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 am