Registration opens
Brashörnan, Universum
Parallel sessions
University Cooperation
Location: Rotundan
Scope for more aggregated procurement through TERENA and DANTE, Robert Sultana
System support for student mobility in the Nordic region, Tor Fridell, Jorma Korkiakoski, Asker Paltoft and Richard Borge
CANCELLED – Higher Education governance and recruitment: adaptive tools for transfer the AlmaLaurea model to different countries and HE systems, Loris Cancellieri, Alberto Leone, Luana Conti, Enrico Friso, Angelo Guerriero and Andrea Cammelli
Location: N300
Distributed User Managed Access to Internet Resources, Roland Hedberg
Géant-TrustBroker: Simplifying Identity & Access Management for International Research Projects and Higher Education Communities, Daniela Pöhn, Stefan Metzger and Wolfgang Hommel
Anonymity, Security, Trust and Me, Nicole Harris
CIO and IT-management
Location: N320
ICT Transformation – Using formal management methodology to control the delivery of inter-related projects, Frazer Greig and Michael Turpie
Are there Inefficiencies in IT implementation Projects at Higher Education Institutions? Jan Bührig
CANCELLED – Portfolio management in higher education, Frank Snels
Software development
Location: N360
Ladok3, Will it fly? Johan Sjödin
The implementation of National Student Exclusion Register in Norway, Asbjørn Reglund Thorsen, Geir Magne Vangen and Agnethe Sidselrud
Next Generation CRM – A practical demonstration, Paul Hopkins and Dhana Kumarasamy
Round-table discussions
Refreshments- Brashörnan, Universum
Top ten IT-issues. Eden Dahlstrom, Director of Research, ECAR
Aula Nordica, Universum
Closing of Congress
Location: Aula Nordica
Grab n Go- lunch