Eunis 2014


Tracks within the program

CIO and IT management

The track focuses on the issues facing CIO:s and university management within European Higher Education institutions. This includes issues on IT governance, enterprise architecture, service management and help desk, cloud computing, business-IT alignment and how to deal with the changing role of IT will in the coming years.Pekka Kähkipuro,  Aalto University, Finland

Supporting teaching and learning

The field of technology-enhanced learning is constantly moving. Universities are investing in new types of physical learning space while wondering if MOOCs or other forms of open learning will change teaching and learning radically. We are seeing advances in learning analytics, mobile learning, learning analytics and electronic management of assessment and first steps in technology supporting intelligent learning paths. This track covers these topics (and more) from both technological and pedagogical perspectives.Gill Ferrell, JISCinfoNet, United Kingdom

University management systems – BI

Understanding our business (past and present) and planning future initiatives is imperative to meet the ever-increasing competition in Higher Education. Business intelligence (BI) and analytics can play a pivotal role in University management, impacting many different areas, such as financial, teaching and learning, scientific, and administrative services.

This track focus on findings, best practices and challenges regarding the design and development of University management and BI systems. This includes topics such as the use of analytics (e.g., learning analytics), benchmarking, prediction, self-service BI, etc.Elsa Cardoso, ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon

University cooperation: Consortia, Partnerships and open source

Within the European Higher Education area, there is a long tradition of cooperation among Universities in order to achieve results that could be difficult to reach for an institution alone.Collaboration is so important that even when there is not an official partnership, people try to find a way to cooperate anyhow: a great example of it is the “open source movement”.The European Union strongly supports such collaborations, not only within the same country but also promoting partnerships between different Countries.This track aims to share experiences already in place and compare models, objectives and best practices in order to find and take all the opportunities that are out there.Michele Mennielli, CINECA, Italy


The primary focus of this track is on the integrity of data and how to keep them secure enough. What do we need to do to find the right amount of security in our systems and to protect data from hackers. What are the legal issues if you fail having secure enough systems? In the wake of the NSA scandal things have changed regarding how we perceive data ownership. Topics include integrity of data, Cloud security, Pen-testing, Surveillance and monitoring, the balance between security and usability, Security assurance, Web application security, Secure development frameworks, Vulnerability analysis, BYOD vs security.Asbjørn Reglund Thorsen, Oslo University, Norway

Software development

A large number of participants are IT practitioners involved in development of IT-systems for higher education. This track explores new technologies, tools as well as methodologies within software development.Uwe Huebner, HIS, Germany