EUNIS23 Congress

Digital Maturity 3: foundations to embedding

This session consists of two presentations followed by a roundtable discussion.

Featured Speakers

Sarah Knight, Jisc:
Framework for digital transformation in higher education: critical foundations for success #58
UK universities are facing significant disruption due to the economic crisis and limited resources, along with the impact of COVID-19 on staff and student wellbeing. One of the ways the sector is responding to challenges and disruption is by revisiting their strategies for digital. Successful digital transformation requires effective digital leadership, appropriate investment, robust secure infrastructure, stakeholder engagement, and digitally capable staff and students. The complexities and scale of higher education institutions (HEIs) present challenges to achieving ambitious digital strategies. Jisc has developed this framework for digital transformation for senior leaders, managers and change agents with responsibility for supporting digital transformation – across a range of different roles and departments within their organisational structures. This short presentation will introduce the framework for digital transformation and how it can be used by universities to support their digital developments.

Download the presentation

Pekka Kähkipuro, Tampere University:
Achieving Long-Lasting Digital Change in Higher Education #74
This paper proposes an approach for implementing long-lasting digital transformation
in higher education. Successful implementation of digital change cannot be done as a traditional IT project or programme. Instead, several areas in the organisation will need to be addressed in a holistic way. The first area is strategy, where we need to ensure the visibility of the digital world and its impact on the business. The second area is the role of digital technologies and the IT organisation. New approaches and working practices will be needed to move IT closer to the business. The third area is value creation, and here we need to combine traditional IT projects with business reengineering. The fourth area to address is structure, and this typically means both processes and the organisation. The fifth area combines culture and skills. We will have to make sure that people understand and accept the change and have the required competences to make it happen.

Download the presentation

Roundtable discussion
Facilitated by Sarah Knight and including:
Antonio Fernández, University of Almería
Pekka Kähkipuro, Tampere University
Andrew Taylor, Ready Education
Konstantinos Tsimpanis, GUNET