EUNIS23 Congress

Software & Service Management 1

This session consists of four presentations.

Featured Speakers

Marius Politze, RWTH Aachen University:
Supporting Software Development Processes for Academia with GitLab #33
Over the past years, several software development teams in the IT Center have continuously improved their development processes. One of the most significant changes was to select GitLab as the central tool for the software-development-life-cycle and to enhance certain processes with the help of this tool in the areas of planning, implementation, interaction in the team and with stakeholders, operations and deployment. This paper presents the resulting best practices with regards to previously established workflows from the viewpoint of projects supporting university IT services in the areas of student-life-cycle and research data management.

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Giorgios Roussos, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki:
Using SaaS in a European University – Protect your privacy and enjoy! #34
Using Software as a Service (SaaS) in a European university can provide many benefits; however, it could always be a big challenge and a precarious situation. European law states that European Universities are required to protect their privacy (personal & academic data, etc.), especially when using SaaS solutions. Choosing a SaaS provider isn’t a simple process. This paper sheds light on Aristotle University’s case, which could help universities to adopt improved methods. By taking the above steps, European universities can enjoy the many benefits of SaaS solutions without worrying about GDPR issues but focusing on their academic goals.

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Sabine Scherm, RWTH Aachen University:
Change: Implications for the implementation of successful cross-university service provision #63
All aspects of university work and life depend on IT. As a consequence of this dependency, users as well as core processes expect and need 24/7-availability of IT services. This statement holds for universities of all types and sizes. Equally universal is the downside that this increase in dependency makes it very difficult for a university’s IT to cope with these demands. Since simple outsourcing again bears the risk of dependence, an approach is to build a network of mutually provided IT services among universities. Either way of sourcing – externally or within a university peer group – implies and requires a massive change in providing and managing IT Services. We show the change processes and the measures to implement such a change with the example of “”, a joint, university-spanning IT base service for data backup and restore.

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Antti Eväsoja, University of Helsinki:
Accessible Digital Services: A Pilot Project #38
European Accessibility Act (EU Directive 2019/882) requires that both public and private sector actors guarantee the accessibility of certain products and services. In the field of higher education IT the European Accessibility Act is applied to most of the digital services. In many cases the sheer scale of things may feel overwhelming. This paper describes the approach of University of Helsinki IT services in tackling problems and providing solutions in the process of developing and procuring accessible digital services.

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Terra 2


Jun 14 2023


11:30 am - 12:45 pm