EUNIS23 Congress

Student Data Interoperability

This session consists of an introduction to Edu-API followed by a hands-on workshop.

In this age of digitalization, it is increasingly important to find a way to exchange student information in a standardized manner. A common standard makes it easier and cheaper to develop solutions that support the modern student and deliver an appealing learning experience. Edu-API allows for the standardized exchange of data between the transactional systems that manage education administration, teaching and learning.

EUNIS EA SIG has provided input to the development of the Edu-API specification which had its global pilot implementation in Sweden. The time has now come for the wider higher education sector in Europe to start working with the specification to deliver benefits in terms of increased efficiency of data management within universities and also across European University Alliances.

This workshop will provide a hands-on introduction to Edu-API. Participants will be able to map the specification to their own information model and provide feedback to inform its further development.

Featured Speaker

Matthias Sällström, LADOK Consortium:
Working with Edu-API to improve the interoperability of student data #66

Download the presentation



Mar 2


Jun 15 2023


2:45 pm - 4:15 pm