EUNIS24 Congress


Asbjørn Reglund Thorsen Asbjørn Reglund Thorsen
Asbjørn Reglund Thorsen is Chief Information Security Officer at Sikt – Kunnskapssektorens tjenesteleverandør in Norway and co-chair of EUNIS Information Security special interest group. Asbjørn graduated in Informatics at University of Oslo and is an accomplished cybersecurity leader with a strong background in security management, risk assessment, and governance. With over 20 years of industry experience, Asbjørn has held key roles as a Chief Information Security Officer in Sikt. He specializes in web application security and has been working as a penetration tester since 2008, assisting organizations in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities. Asbjørn takes pride in co-leading the EUNIS Security Special Interest Group (SIG), where he focuses on tackling the information security challenges faced by higher education institutions. Through this group, he actively shares his knowledge and expertise, providing insights and solutions for information security development, compliance, and the implementation of privacy regulations. Known for his leadership skills and ability to implement technical protocols, Asbjørn is dedicated to creating secure digital environments and advocating for best practices in cybersecurity. His passion lies in ensuring organizations are well-equipped to address the evolving threat landscape and maintain robust security measures.