Lígia Maria Ribeiro, University of Porto, Portugal
Elected to the EUNIS Board of Directors till June 2020.
Lígia Ribeiro has been Principal Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) since 2002. At the University of Porto (U.Porto) she is also the chair of the Digital University Unit of the Center of Competence in Cyber Security and Privacy and a member of the Center for Studies of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, where she develops studies in the field of Informal Learning Spaces.
She received her degree in Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto and holds a PhD in Engineering Science from the University of Minho.
Lígia Ribeiro was pro-rector of U.Porto between 2006 and 2014, being responsible for ICT. She was vice-president of the Institute for Common Resources and Initiatives of the same University between 2003 and 2006 and director of the Computer Centre of FEUP between 1997 and 2002. Being President of EUNIS between 2004 and 2006, after being vice-president for two years, she is presently member of the EUNIS Board of Directors. Subsequent to the creation (April 2017) of the European Chapter of the Consortia for Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI) she was appointed as the first Chair of CASRAI-EU, for a one-year term. Since the beginning of 2018 she is a member of the board of trustees of the Vietsch Foundation.
In 1996 she was co-responsible for the development of the information system of FEUP, called SiFEUP, later adopted and nowadays used by all the fourteen faculties of the University of Porto, with the name SIGARRA. SiFEUP received the Portuguese Descartes 1998 award and the EUNIS Elite Award in 2000. Besides SIGARRA, she was responsible for other projects at U.Porto, namely the institutional repository, the grid project and the e-learning cafés project (Asprela & Botânico). The work “Learning spaces and students’ entrepreneurship: the strategy for the successful implementation of an e-learning café in campus U. Porto” received the 2013 EUNIS Dørup E-learning Award. In 2016 the EUNIS Elite Award for excellence in implementing Information Systems for Higher Education winner was the paper “Interoperability between Information Systems of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions” presenting the work carried out in the project ‘ Higher Education Institutions in Network’, which she coordinated.
Her interest in the fields of information systems and IT management led her to chair the organising committee of the EUNIS Congress in 2002, at U. Porto, as well as the organising committee of the EUNIS 2018 Rectors’ Conference, also held at U. Porto.
Recently, in the context of the collaboration between EUNIS and euroCRIS, she was involved in the EUNIS-euroCRIS CRIS/IR survey, a joint initiative to collect information on CRIS and IR technological solutions that support Research and to analyse their links to other systems used at Higher Education Institutions: how they interoperate, which data and metadata are made available and how these are being used.
More information on her CV including publications and projects can be found in the U. Porto SIGARRA system, here.