
Learning & Teaching Special Interest Group

The L&T group carries out a number of projects and activities to encourage the exchange of information and foster collaborative working across Europe. You will enjoy being an L&T TF member if you enjoy meeting and working with colleagues from other European universities. L&T membership is open to the EUNIS community. You are welcome to join the L&T provided the university or organisation where you work is a member of EUNIS. You personally must be happy to give a small amount of your time to working on L&T projects and activities and the L&T would like some of its members to propose and lead new projects.

eunisWe have a number of members particularly interested in the following topics so suggestions to lead activities in these areas are always welcome:

  • assessment and feedback
  • designing physical learning spaces
  • learning design
  • learning analytics


EUNIS Dørup E-learning Award: the group has drawn up regulations for the award and consists of a team of judges and others who help run the scheme. The first EUNIS Dørup E-learning Award was handed out at EUNIS 2008. Leader: Mads Dahl (Denmark)

Recent activities

The Future of Assessment and Feedback in Europe mini conference was held on 23-24 November 2021 online, with the involvement of EUNIS Learning&Teaching SIG, GEANT, IMS Global and Jisc. Watch the recordings here.

More activities

The L&T group welcomes proposals for new activities and members are encouraged to volunteer to get involved or to lead a subgroup considering a particular topic.

Outputs from recent workshops & webinars

  • Read here the outputs from the What’s next: Higher education integrated experiences ISE 2018 in Amsterdam in February 2018.
  • #EUNIS21 pre-Congress workshop on 1 June 2021, Everywhere and Nowhere: student mobility in the era of micro learning, digital credentials and blockchain. Watch the recording and read more here.

workJoin the Learning & Teaching Special Interest Group​

To join the group just email the group leader
Gill Ferrell: