Board of Directors
Minutes of the three meetings at Trinity College Dublin on June 14, 15 and 16, 2011
I Meetings on June 14th and 15th 2011.
EUNIS President, Jan Madey (Poland) took the chair. Present at the meeting were:
Jan Madey (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Viljan Mahnic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Hans-Dieter Weckmann (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Peter Tinson (UCISA, UK)
Gill Ferrell (JISCinfoNet, UK)
Orla Hoppe (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
John Murphy (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) temporarily
Ilkka Siissalo (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Kristel Sarlin (EUNIS Executive Secretary, past President, Finland)
Jean-Francois Desnos (past President, France)
Yves Epelboin (past President, France)
Lígia Ribeiro (past President, Portugal)
Michael Nowlan (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) temporarily
Kirby Anderson (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) temporarily
Arsenio Reis (UTAD, Portugal)
Jan Madey opened the meeting and welcomed all participants.
1. Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the 6th and 7th November 2010 meetings in Dublin have been approved.
2. EUNIS2011 Conference – last-minute issues
242 attendees from 26 Countries join the Conference. 51 papers are selected from 95 submitted ones. 16 posters are accepted. There are 6 submissions for the Jens Doerup Award.
Some members of the Board were critical of the fact that no reasons were given for many rejection of papers for the Congress.
3. Summary of activities 2010-1011
13.-15.12.2010 RS3G – ECAM joint meeting “Enabling Middleware for
Academic Mobility – Solutions for the RS3G Mobility Project” Malaga, Spain, 20 Participants – 17 Organizations – 12 Countries
23.-25.3.2010 RS3G Mobility Project “Coding Camp” in Barcelona, Spain
14.6.2011 Workshop on “student-related data and mobility” in Dublin, Ireland with Digitary
ELFT (eLearning Task Force)
The activities were presented by Gill Ferrell also at the Congress together with Steffi Engert
13.4.2011 Workshop on Technology-enhanced learning on campus, in Porto, Portugal
Organising the Jens Doerup Award
EUNIS MIS/BI Seminar and Workshop
17.-18.5.2011 in Hannover, Germany together with HIS, 60 Participants
Annual Conference in Dublin, Ireland, 14.-17.062011
4. Memberships
see the detailed membership list from Peter Tinson
5. Finance
a. Accounts 2010-11 see financial report given by Peter Tinson
b. Budget 2011-12 see financial report given by Peter Tinson
c. Membership Fee will be discussed in the GA
Peter Tinson has advised that he will be stepping down as EUNIS Treasurer with effect from the end of the financial year (31 August 2011). It was agreed that Hans-Dieter Weckmann will become Treasurer at that point. Kristel Sarlin was asked to make the necessary arrangements to add Hans-Dieter Weckmann as a signatory to the EUNIS account with immediate effect. Peter Tinson will cease to be a signatory with effect from 30 September 2011. It was agreed that Kristel Sarlin should remain a signatory as a local representative.
6. EUNIS Elite Award for Excellence
Six entries from the following countries: Croatia, Finland, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Romania + three more announced interests.
The award will be also organized at the next Congress.
7. Executive Secretary
Kristel Sarlin wants to step down and Jean-Francois Desnos is willing to take over. The Board accepted Jean-Francois Desnos as the new EUNIS executive secretary and thanked Kristel Sarlin for her activities in EUNIS.
The ownership of the EUNIS credit card will change from Kristel Sarlin to Jean-Francois Desnos.
8. EUNIS2012 Congress
Vila Real, Portugal, 13.-15.6. The organizer will be Arsenio Reis (UTAD)
9. Future EUNIS Congresses
Proposals: (see attached file)
• 2013 Latvia: Zigmundis Sitmanis (Riga Technical university) decided
• 2014 Sweden: Sören Berglund (University of Umeå) decided
• 2015 Switzerland, Christian Zuffery (Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne)
• Scotland: Michael Turpie (University of Abertay Dundee)
• Northern Ireland: Noel Wilson (University of Ulster, Belfast)
10. Future EUNIS activities
E-Learning Task Force
Workshop 8.-9.3.2012 Dubrovnik, Croatia
RS3G Task Force
Rectors´seminar 2012
on The Future of Education: use and misuse of IT (title preliminary) in April 2012 in Prague
Starting of new Task Forces:
University Business Intelligence
Europe-wide IT-Benchmarking
11. Actions from previous meeting
- proposal to create EUNIS User Groups (JF) continued
- reminder invoices to members including annual statement of EUNIS activities (PT);
we need the information about the members who paid - draft what the benefits are to be a member. This (+ leaflet about the Eunis + letter from the President) should accompany invoices to new members (PT) continued, get confirmation of representative name of member institutions (PT)
- ask institution representatives what is the best time for the invoice (PT)
12. Guidelines for EUNIS Conference organisers
Supplement the guidelines for organising conferences with questions to answer concerning distances, travel, accommodation etc. is given by Orla Hoppe, Jean-Francois Desnos and Jan Madey.
II Meeting on June 16th 2011.
The Board welcame the five persons elected to the Board:
Arsenio Reis (Portugal), Nicola Bertazzoni (Italy), Pekka Kähkipuro (Finland)
Ramon Grau (Spain), Lígia Ribeiro (Portugal)
Then the Board elected the following officers:
President Jan Madey
Treasurer Hans-Dieter Weckmann
Secretary Ramon Grau Sala
Vice-President Ilkka Siissalo
And decided to hold the next Board Meeting will take place in October 2011 in Vila Real.