Minutes of the board of Directors
20th June 2005, Manchester, UK

Present: Ligia Ribeiro (Chair), Bas Cordewener, Jean-Francois Desnos, Jens Doerup, Yves Epelboin, Viljan Mahnic, Martin Price, Andrew Rothery, Kristel Sarlin, Ivan Vrana. Mark Clark also attended to discuss arrangements for EUNIS2005.

1. Review of actions from previous meeting on 29 January 2005
  • It was confirmed that University of Tartu, Estonia would host EUNIS2006.
  • Gartner agreementt had been signed and should be advertised to EUNIS members.
  • TERENA agreement: to be signed, then advertised.
  • EKMA: contributing a paper to EUNIS2005.
  • E-Learning Task Force: there would be an informal, interactive session at EUNIS2005 to take forward the Task Forces’ work.
  • EUNIS Administration: a contract had been signed to employ Martin Price as Executive Secretary on a part-time basis (20-30 days per year) from 1 June 2005 to 31 August 2006 .
  • Rectors’ seminar: see item 8 below.
2. EUNIS Membership

The list of members presented by Jean-Francois Desnos (Treasurer) and Martin Price (Secretary) was formally approved, with the exception of Paris Sud University who had withdrawn their application for membership. There were now 69 Regular Members, 1 Corresponding Member (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), and 9 Corporate Members of EUNIS, exceeding the budgetary target set for 2004-5.

The Board agreed there should be a drive to recruit more members, but this should take place in parallel with the development of more EUNIS activities.

3. Procedure for elections
3.1 To Council

The Board agreed procedures for elections to the EUNIS Council by General Assembly members. Potentially each country would have two members of Council, one representing National Organisations and the other Institutions. If there were only one candidate in a particular constituency that person would be elected. If there were two candidates they would be invited to decide the Council member between themselves. If there were three or more candidates a paper ballot would take place.

3.2 To Board of Directors

The Board agreed that three new members of the Board would be elected by the new Council at its meeting on 23 June 2005 . Council members would be asked to identify themselves as candidates by 12:30 on the 23 rd.

3.3 To Board of Director Officer positions

The newly elected Board would convene as soon as possible to elect Officers for 2005-6.

4. Ballot to determine period of office for Board members

Yves Epelboin and Kristel Sarlin had previously indicated they would be leaving the Board in 2005.

A ballot was held to decide when the remaining current members of the Board would stand down. The results were:

2005 – Viljan Mahnic

2006 – Jean-Francois Desnos, Ligia Ribeiro, Andrew Rothery

2007 – Bas Cordewener, Jens Doerup, Ivan Vrana

5. Financial Report

The Treasurer (Jean-Francois Desnos) presented the Accounts for 2004-5 and a proposed budget for 2005-6.

The Accounts showed EUNIS was in a healthy financial state. EUNIS had received some income from the EUNIS2004 Conference in Bled , Slovenia . Viljan Mahnic and his team were congratulated on this excellent result.

The proposed budget for 2005-6 was based on a membership target of 80 institutions. The Board agreed money would be available to pay for technical tasks such as supporting the EUNIS website.

Invoices for the 2005-6 membership fees would be sent out in September 2005.

6. Review of EUNIS Awards
6.1 EUNIS Elite Award

Six members of the Board had voted on submissions for the 2005 competition. The final result was close with Masaryk University , Brno , Czech Republic gaining most points. The Board agreed to consider alternative Awards for future years.

6.2 Best Paper Award

It was agreed the Best Paper Award would continue as a responsibility of the institution hosting the annual conference. For EUNIS2005 a shortlist had been drawn up by the University of Manchester Organising Committee . The presentations would be judged by Jean-Francois Desnos ,   Jens Doerup, and Peter Tinson (UCISA Executive Secretary).

7. Rectors Seminar, Paris , Autumn 2005

Yves Epelboin reported he had mailed Corporate Members in February 2005 asking them to indicate whether they would be willing to sponsor a Rectors Seminar in Paris in the autumn of 2005 on the “Impact of the Bologna Process on IT in European Universities”.

The Board agreed it was already too late to aim for Autumn 2005. March 2006 would be the earliest date to hold the event but it would be too risky to make any hotel reservations until there was greater commitment from sponsors.

Yves agreed to continue his efforts to explore with Corporate Members how to finance the event.


Martin Price , EUNIS Executive Secretary 31.7.05