Minutes of the general assembly
28th March 2001, Berlin, Germany
Present delegates:
K. Simonski (BG), I. Vrana (CZ), J. Doerup (DK), N. Hansen (DK), P. Uba (ET), Y. Epelboin (F), J. F. Desnos (F), K. Sarlin (FI), J. Knop (D), S. Martisius (LI), B. Cordewener (NL), H. v. Linde (NL), S. Slopien (PL), L. Ribeiro (PT), D. Tothová (SK), V. Mahnic (SL), S. Berglund (S), K. Grabher (CH), M. Price (GB), Iain Stinson (GB).
A. Sandalov, N. Sukhareva, G. Young, N. Andronaty, A. Ediberidze, P. Gerhard, E. Rubio
M. Zastrocky, R. Katz, J. Bielec, M. Paul, P. Schirmbacher, L. Klasinc, R. Gaodill, A. Rudolph, K. Woods, B. Zuwanski, K. Zuwanska, A. Lifshits, J. Santos, R. Gaidill, G. David, E. Lauritzen, N. Kohler
1. Opening of the General Assembly
2.Election of scrutinisers
3. Admission of the new Corporate Members
4. Report of the Chairman on activities for the year 2000
5. Report of the Treasurer on the account for the year 2000
6. Proposal for the budget for the year 2001
– Fees for the year 2001
7. Modification of the Statutes
8. Election of the Board of Directors for the years 2001-2004
9. Nomination of the Honorary Members
10. Activities for the year 2001 and following
- Place and date for EUNIS 2002: the location in Porto, Portugal has to be confirmed
- Place and date for EUNIS 2003
- Corporate seminar
- EUNIS Academia
- EUNIS publications
- Other activities: EUNIS prize….
11. Other issues
a) Joining the Academic Cooperation Association
b) EUNIS/EDUCAUSE Current Issues Questionaire
c) Information about EKMA foundation (European Knowledge and Multimedia Association)
d) Discussion of standardization issues about UIS models
1. Then he asked for an approval of the program. This program was accepted unanimously. The further dealing went according to the adopted program.
Yves Epelboin informed about current corporate membership and proposed to admit the following new corporate members: Blackboard, Informix, Oracle and Corporate membership is increasing. A successful seminar was organized for corporate members in Paris.
Eunis 2000 congress was organised in Poznan
Edition of Eunis publications started.
J.F. Desnos has p
The budget for year 2001 was approved unanimously.
2. The Board of Directors (BoD) proposed that the Article 8 of the Statutes should be modified in order to support continuity of work of the Board of Directors in two successive periods.
After a discussion, the following modification was unanimously adopted:
The association is directed by a Board of Directors, made up of 3 to 12 Members, elected for three years by the General Assembly. Members may be re-elected. In addition, the outgoing President remains a member of the Board until the next elections. The Board of Directors is empowered to run and administer the association, subject to the powers of the General Assembly.
The Board of Directors elects among its Members, by secret ballot, the following Members:
- a President,
- if need be, up to 3 Vice-Presidents,
- a Secretary and, if need be, a Deputy Secretary,
- a Treasurer and, if need be, a Deputy Treasurer.
3. The BoD proposed to increase number of the Board members to seven members for the next period. A counterproposal from the GA delegates suggested that the BoD should consist of more members and should be extended by volunteers who shall grant some task forces. After a discussion majority of the delegates voted for the proposal that BoD should have seven members.
Yves Epelboin expressed thanks to all outgoing members of the BoD.
The GA has confirmed the following list of candidates: Jan Knop, J-F. Desnos, K. Sarlin, I. Vrana, J. Doerup, L. Ribeiro, A. Rothery, L. Klasinc.
In a secret ballot the delegates elected the following six members of the BoD: L. Ribeiro (19 votes), J. Knop, J-F. Desnos, K. Sarlin, J. Doerup (18 votes each), I. Vrana (17 votes).
These six elected members will create the BoD together with Y. Epelboin, according to the point 7 of this program.
The other candidates A. Rothery (7) and L. Klasinc (3) are invited to remain in a close contact with the BoD particularly for organising task forces.
4. Yves Epelboin proposed to nominate the first Eunis president Robin McDonough as the Honorary Member for his invaluable contribution and credit of establishing and building Eunis.
This proposal was unanimously adopted.
5. a) GA suggests that it is desirable to guarantee a high professional and scientific standard of Eunis congresses. The program should be prepared with the greatest care and well in time. It seems be desirable to include also a corporate track into the program. Ligia Ribeiro informed GA about the stage of preparation of the EUNIS 2002 and has presented a video from the conference venue. GA confirmed that the EUNIS 2002 congress will take place in Porto, Portugal in 19-22 June 2002. The congress should have all the features and scope of a European congress, i.e. keynote spekers, tracks, tutorials, corporate tracks and exhibition. Responsible person is Ligia Ribeiro.
b) The GA approved that a size of future congresses should preserve a current increasing trend. The candidates for organizing the next congresses: The Netherlands, Slovenia and United Kingdom were approved.
c) The GA recommends continuing in organizing corporate seminars each year.
d) The proposal was to create a permanent education towards high university executives on all subjects related to IT. Jan Knop explained a need for dissemination of expertise of Eunis members. Eunis Academia as a new Eunis activity might be a suitable form for doing so. GA recommended to follow this activity.
e) The proposal was to organize the publication by EUNIS, maybe with the help of a publisher, of EUNIS monographies on all subjects related to IT. Yves Epelboin announced that Eunis publications started by publishing book of Ivan Vrana at al.: Methods for Building a University Information System. It is suggested to create an Eunis edition of books. Authors are invited to contribute to this edition. GA supports this activity.
f) The permanent trophy for winners of the Eunis Elite Award for Excellence for year 2000 were sponsored by Eunis-CZ. Other Eunis members and national associations are encouraged to sponsor this trophy in the coming years.
g) Lígia Ribeiro opened a discussion of standardization issues about University IS models and information interchange. The idea was to debate a common framework for University IS with the goal of building an european software market on this area. GA supports this initiative as a part of the task force activities.
In conclusion, Yves Epelboin expressed thanks to the German organizers of this congress. Then, has thanked to all delegates for their work and for an active participation in the GA meeting and he declared the GA finished.
Recorded by Ivan Vran