Are you enthusiastic about data analysis, or perhaps it’s already part of your role? Do you have the tools and skills to effectively work with data?

At present, the EUNIS BencHEIT benchmarking service collects data from universities and analyses the data using an Excel workbook. While the calculations are relatively straightforward, the amount of data is considerable.

The Benchmarking Project Group is seeking a committed individual to assist with data gathering and analysis for the BM2024 annual survey. To ensure the yearly benchmarking process runs smoothly regardless of individual availability, the BencHEIT steering group is looking for additional support.

We are eager to welcome a new member to the team and will provide support to familiarise you with the process of data collection and analysis. The commitment involves approximately two weeks of work annually: a few days in January to kick off the process, and additional time in May to complete the data collection and finalise the analysis.

By joining the team, you will gain deeper insights into benchmarking practices and IT cost structures in higher education, making you an insider in the process. This experience will not only enhance your knowledge but also provide valuable benefits to your institution by equipping you with the expertise to support data-driven decision-making.

Please contact us if you’re interested to hear more about BencHEIT, or to join the team and contribute to this important project by sending an email to