The IDEAL project has been designed to get a better understanding of the distance education offered by higher education institutions in European countries, and to examine how higher education institutions […]
Author: Anna Pacholak
Open Education Europa: Design Patterns for Open Online Teaching and Learning
The rapid rise of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has renewed interest in the broader spectrum of open online teaching and learning. This “renaissance” has highlighted the challenges and potential […]
EUNIS 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, 8-10 June: the website already launched
Dear Colleague, As you may already know, Aristotle University has the honor of hosting the EUNIS Congress next year in Thessaloniki. This is: • the first time the EUNIS Congress […]
Candidates to the 2015 EUNIS Board of Directors
Elections to the EUNIS Board of Directors will be held at the General Assembly during the EUNIS 2015 Congress (13:30, 11 June 2015, Abertay, Dundee, Scotland). The 2015 candidates to […]
TNC15: 15-18 June 2015, Porto, Portugal
The TNC15 Networking Conference is the largest and most prestigious European research networking conference, with more than 650 participants attending this annual event. TNC brings together decision makers, managers, networking […]