EUNIS Enterprise Architecture Special Interest Group organises an EA Week in Odense, Denmark on 30 September – 3 October.

Here are a few extracts from the inspiring agenda:

  • Escape room game – Getting to know each other and HERM
  • Using ServiceNow platform + HERM as EA entrypoint
  • Terminology management, Danish national pov, the Danish Agency for Digital Governance
  • HERM Governance model discussion
  • HERM metamodel, views, objects and relationships in HERM
  • Value Streams & Value Stream Network
  • Business Services? The next canvas to HERM?
  • European infrastructure services
  • Full HERM concept in use -workshop

There are still some free places available! If you want to join us, please fill out registration form during this week. The event is hosted by University of Southern Denmark and it is free of charge. Priority will be given to the EUNIS members