The EUNIS AV Awards recognize innovative use of audiovisual technology in higher education. Entry is open to higher education projects worldwide. Winners will receive funding to present their work at EUNIS24 Congress in Athens (5-7 June 2024).
The EUNIS Award for Best Overall AV-enabled Education Space recognizes innovative use of audiovisual technology that results in positive results in registered higher education learning facilities, whether in classrooms for students and/or instructors or campus-wide. It celebrates great design where AV is an integral component of enabling education to take place in a given space or campus. Both new build and re-fit are eligible, if the AV is included in the complete ideation of the space. Design must take into consideration the intended use of the space. The award covers physical and hybrid environments but not fully online learning. Entries close on 19 February 2024. Full details and entry form are available here.