A MOOC to learn and design ICT-based learning design activities
On behalf of UOC (Open University of Catalunya) and the Hands-On ICT project (EU funded project from the Lifelong Learning programme www.handsonict.eu), we would like to inform about an upcoming MOOC on teacher training. The main aim of this course is to support educators in the design and adaptation of lessons or learning activities that include the use of ICT tools. It is a practical and hands-on oriented MOOC during which educators will create a learning activity ready to be use in their educational scenarios afterwards.
Here are some reasons for joining this MOOC:
– take part of the first MOOC to be facilitated in 7 languages (English, Spanish, Catalan, French, Slovenian, Greek and Bulgarian)
– learn about ICT tools for learning and teaching
– learn how to apply the Learning Design Studio approach
– design a learning activity for your teaching activities ready to be implemented in your lessons
– try the beneficies of peer-mentoring, both as a mentor and a mentee
– benefit of the help of a team of international facilitators
– be part of a worldwide community interested in ICT in education
– try new learning tools such as Canvas, ILDE, Hangouts and others
The MOOC is free of charge and will start on October 27th. It lasts 5 weeks. By the end of it you will receive a certificate of participation and a set of badges compatible to be added on the Mozilla Backpack.
We are also still looking for facilitators. For more information on being a facilitator go here