EUNIS General Assembly
Riga June 13th 2013, 17h-18h



The annual meeting of the EUNIS General Assembly during the EUNIS 2013 Congress in Riga, Latvia on 13th June 2013.

The President Jan Madey and the Executive Secretary Jean-François Desnos took the chair.

1. Welcome and registration of representatives

Present or represented (proxy) members: 34

2. Approval of the minutes from the last GA meeting in Vila Real in June 2012

The General Assembly approved unanimously the minutes from Vila Real 2012.

3. New members accepted by the Board

The General Assembly approved unanimously the following new members 2012-2013:`    `

i) Regular Members:

  • University of Science and Technology in Krakow (AGH), Poland
  • Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HSE-SO), Switzerland
  • Dublin City University, Ireland
  • ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
  • University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (SWPS), Poland
  • Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France

ii) Corporate Members:

  • Ellucian, France

4. Reports and future activities

The EUNIS Task Forces reported on their activity and future plans:

RS3G (Ramon Grau, Simone Ravaioli): Simone Ravaioli, leader of RS3G, reported he proposed to let his role of a leader. The RS3G Steering Committee, thanking him deeply for his brilliant leadership these last years, elected José-Luis Poy from SIGMA. Jose-Luis ensured continuity with past RS3G initiatives, particularly the “Mobility Without Paper” project (offspring of the RS3G Mobility Project), while bringing a fresh energy and motivation to the group.

BENCHEIT (Ilkka Siissalo): the BENCHEIT group performed for the first time after piloting rounds a benchmarking of IT volumes and costs within European higher education institutes. The benchmarking survey was performed as an excel based questionnaire and results were calculated and prepared for presentation by a small voluntary group, the BENCHEIT working group. This survey will be in future repeated yearly every spring and it will be open to all higher education institutes throughout Europe at no cost. BENCHEIT group also arranged in December 2012 a one day IT benchmarking workshop at the Technische Hochschule München in Germany to discuss future needs of IT activities measuring and how the results of already existing benchmarking activities could be pulled together. A similar workshop is also planned to be arranged in December 2013 at AMUE in Paris.

Business Intelligence (Elsa Cardoso, John Murphy):

  • BI workshops are to be held in Paris on 5- 6th December 2013;
  • Survey on the maturity level of BI initiatives in Higher Education are already running inPortugal, Spain and Italy, started in Germany in July, will start in France (there is already atranslation to French) and Ireland, other countries that were interested in the survey: Sweden, Finland; closing date: 21st October 2013.
  • Other priorities for the BI task force include: be more active online, share contents through the EUNIS website, get BI on the EUNIS Rector conference agenda to have the support from top leadership for the successful implementation of BI.

E-Learning (Gill Ferrell): the ELTF continued to be active during the year. A workshop was held at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland on 15-16th April 2013. Members continued to explore interests in the development of physical learning spaces with a visit to the Rolex Center and there were presentations, a panel debate and a world café discussion on MOOCs in the European context. A full report on the workshop is available on the EUNIS website. The workshop outcomes were used to     inform the EUNIS position in planning for a European MOOC event at EPFL in autumn 2013. The competition for the annual Dørup e-learning award attracted some high quality finalists and was won by the University of Porto, Portugal for work on its e-learning café.

Other activities :

Rectors’ Conference 2014 Committee (Ilkka Siissalo, Pekka Kähkipuro): the Conference will be held in Finland on April 3-5, 2014. The planned themes are: (1) advances in on-line education, such as MOOCs, and (2) societal impact of research and corporate co-operation. The program committee starts its work during the summer, with the aim to be able to start inviting participants already in early autumn.

Next Congresses:

2014 University of Umeå, Sweden (Mikaël Berglund): Mikael Berglund gave a brief presentation about the upcoming EUNIS 2014 Congress in Umeå. The congress will be held at the main campus at Umeå University. More information can be found at the following address

2015 University of Abertay in Dundee, UK (Michael Turpie): A brief presentation was given by M. Turpie of University of Abertay Dundee.  He     indicated that the University felt privileged to host this prestigious event. He extended the welcome from the University to all Eunis members to attend in 2015 and indicated that the University would provide a high quality and stimulating event.

5. Vote on the proposed membership fee 2013-2014 as 500 € (no change)

The General Assembly decided to keep the membership fee as 500 euros for regular members for another year.

6. Financial report and budget

State of accounts 2011-2012 and the budget for 2012-2013 (see Financial Annex) was given by Hans-Dieter Weckmann. The financial report was approved by the General Assembly.

7. Election of scrutinizers for the election of Board members

Anna Pacholak, Michael Turpie and, José-Luis Poy were accepted as scrutinizers.

8. Election of – up to four – new Board members

The candidates to the Board: Ilkka Siissalo, John Murphy, Zigmunds Zitmanis, Michele Mennielli, Marc Bouchara have presented themselves to the GA.
Each of the members has voted anonymously crossing out those not accepted.
Ilkka Siissalo, John Murphy, Zigmunds Zitmanis, Michele Mennielli were elected.

Financial Annex

