We hope you will find this issue of the EUNIS Newsletter as an interesting piece of information. It contains the report on the 3rd EUNIS Rectors Conference entitled: ”Higher Education Challenges and Priorities, Information Technology as a lever for competitiveness”, which took place in Prague, May 24th – 26th, 2012. The report is followed by the three newest papers from EUNIS members representatives:
- “Student expectations of IT” by Anna Mathews, UCISA, UK.
- “Videoconferencing, VOD and podcast: The UPMC-Sorbonne Université strategy“ by Yves Epelboin, Director ITC, UPMC-Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
- “Study visit – a way of working together for enhancement of education and training policies in European countries” by Sandra Kucina, University of Zagreb University Computing Centre (SRCE), Croatia.
The newsletter ends with a leaflet on benefits for EUNIS members.
Please read and enjoy!
Contribution to the next issue of the EUNIS Newsletter
Would you like to have your work promoted by EUNIS? Each member is invited to contribute to the EUNIS newsletter. Contributions to the next issue of EUNIS Newsletters should be sent via email to eunisnewsletter(at)gmail.com with subject “Contribution to EUNIS Newsletter”. Article limitation: no more than 3000 characters, including spaces. Pictures: you can add one picture per article. It should be saved as a jpg or gif or pdf, and size should be: max height 500px, max length 500px.