Nina Reignier-Tayar, University Grenoble Alpes, France (EUNIS Secretary)


I have been in the board since 2020. I cherished the experience of being alongside very motivated, interested and professional directors. I want to continue the experience in order for our association to meet our members’ needs.

For me, Eunis is a central element in structuring the IT in European higher education community.

My objective is to get more French universities involved in Eunis. More and more French universities are parts of European alliances or campus. My goal will be to show them how belonging to Eunis can help.

Short bio

Nina Reignier-Tayar (University Grenoble Alpes, France) is the Digital Director of the University Grenoble Alpes (UGA) since 2016. She holds a PhD in Computer Sciences from Université Joseph Fourrier (France).  After completing her PhD studies in 1995, she worked for 10 years in big IT companies like HP, Cap Gemini or Ernest& young. She had many positions as project manager, project director and IT consultant.

In 2005, she joined Université Stendhal (France) as CIO for 10 years. In 2016, she took the position of the Digital Director at UGA.

Nina is leading the UGA strategic axis for digitalization and administration modernization.

She is the deputy lead of Work Package  “European Student Card“ of the European Alliance UNITE!

Nina’s interest within the EUNIS community include: Leadership and Management in IT, Information System, Changing management, Agile Methodology, Business Intelligence and Erasmus+ projects.

Nina is also member of the CSIESR Board. CSIESR is the French association of IT professionals for higher education.