Minutes of the general assembly
2nd July 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Present delegates:
I. Vrana (CZ), J. Doerup(DK), N. Damgaard> (DK), A. Salu (ET), Y. Epelboin (F), J. F. Desnos (F), K. Sarlin (FI), T. Kalmi(FI), M. Seedig (D), W. Fitzner (D), M. Nowlan (IE), S. Martisius (LT), B. Cordewener (NL), S. Slopien (PL), L. Ribeiro (PT), D. Tothová (SK), M. Horak (SK), V. Mahnic (SL), S. Berglund (S), K. Grabher (CH), A. Rothery (UK),
W.B. Liebrand (NL), K. Simonski (BG), P. Uba (ET) – proxy, A. Ediberidze (GE), S. Martisius (LI), N. Andronaty (MO), E. Rubio Royo (ES), S. Marsden (UK) – proxy.
M. Zastrocky (USA), J. M. Santos (PT)
1. Andreas Salu and Tapani Kalmi were elected as scrutinisers. They reported that 21 GA delegates were present, 2 had proxies and 10 were absent. The GA was able to adopt a resolution.
2. EUNIS president Kristel Sarlin informed the GA delegates about the main EUNIS activities accomplished since the last GA meeting. She also mentioned activities which are in preparation and in progress, in particular: the seminar for rectors on strategic ICT issues in universities which will take place in Paris in November 2003, developing the e-learning task force, cooperation of EU and USA universities in a common project, EUNIS publications in a special issue of the Informatica journal, a Current Issues survey prepared in cooperation with EDUCAUSE and Gartner, pre-conference seminars and the EUNIS awards for excellence in building information systems and for the Best Paper.
The report of the president was approved.
3. The Report of the final accounts of the year 2002 and the first quarter of 2003 was presented by Jean-Francois Desnos, EUNIS treasurer. In a subsequent discussion he explained all income and expenditure items from this period. His financial report was approved.
4. Jean-Francois Desnos, EUNIS treasurer, outlined a EUNIS budget for the year 2003. The GA delegates suggesteded including marketing of EUNIS the production of a EUNIS brochure and publishing a EUNIS year-book to financed activities. It was also mentioned that and that reduced conference fees could be considered for EUNIS members. After this discussion the EUNIS budget 2003 was approved.
5. Andrew Rothery informed the GA delegates about the proposal to change the EUNIS Statutes. He mentioned the changed paragraphs and explained the basic rationale and reasons for these changes. After a discussion, the GA delegates supported all proposed changes. All the EUNIS GA delegates but one voted for adoption of the new EUNIS Statutes.
6. Viljan Mahnic informed the GA about the state of preparation of the next EUNIS congress, which will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia next year.
7. The call for candidates to organise further EUNIS congresses was announced. Candidates should send their proposals to Ivan Vrana, EUNIS secretary.
8. The GA delegates supported carrying on the activities discussed in the report of the EUNIS president (in paragraph 3).
9. Yves Epelboin asked GA members to contribute information on their countries to the EUNIS web site.
Recorded by Ivan Vrana, Jens Doerup and Andrew Rother