Minutes of the board of Directors
6th-7th November 1995, Düsseldorf, Germany
Robin McDonough (UK)
Gordon Young (Ireland)
Yves Epelboin (France)
Bruno Paternostre (Belgium)
Jean Francois Desnos (France)
Merik Meriste (Estonia)
Peter Mederly (Slovakia)
Jan Sandrej (Slovakia)
Kristel Sarlin (Finland)
Jan Knop (Germany)
Wim Senden (Netherlands)
Solke Veling (Netherlands)
Jean Francois Desclaux (Switzerland)
Stanislaw Slopoem (Poland)
1. EUNIS 1996
It was agreed to hold EUNIS 1996 in Tilburg, Netherlands, probably in November. The dates will be determined by the availability of hotels etc. The meeting will last one and a half days and will include the second Annual General Meeting of EUNIS. There will be no parallel sessions or calls for papers. Eight invited papers will be given. The numbers may be limited to 100. The programme committee for EUNIS 1996 will be:
- Yves Epelboin
- Jan Knop
- Robin McDonough
- Solke Veling
The local planning committee will be organised by Solke Veling.
2. EUNIS 1997
It was agreed to hold EUNIS 1997 in Grenoble, France probably in November 1997. This will be a full Congress similar to EUNIS 1995 in Dusseldorf.
3. Membership of EUNIS
It was agreed that all attending EUNIS 1995 would become members of EUNIS. Yves Epelboin would arrange for those who had supplied electronic addresses to be added to the EUNIS distribution list. Those who had not supplied their electronic addresses would send the necessary details to Yves Epelboin.
4. The Executive of EUNIS
It was agreed that until EUNIS 1996, an interim EUNIS would continue to operate. Existing members of the Executive (or alternatives nominated by their national organisations) would continue to act for another year.
Countries not already represented on the Executive could nominate one new member. This will be done by:
(i) writing to Yves Epelboin
(ii) including a letter of authority.
The letter of authority could be from the national organisation, from the country’s Ministry of Education or from the University. This must be done by 20 January 1996. If more than one applies, then the matter must be resolved at national level.
5. Submission to EU
A meeting will be held in Paris on 12 December to write a submission for support from the EU under the Socrates programme.
6. Microsoft
Gordon Young reported on the continuing progress won his survey of Microsoft prices in Europe.
7. EUNIS 1995
The Executive was delighted with the success of EUNIS 1995. One hundred and seventy seven delegates from 30 European countries was a very good start. The work of Jan Knop and his local team was very much to be congratulated. The success was very much the result of their efforts.
6. Next meeting of the Executive.
This will be held in Bratislava on 22nd/23rd March 1996.
Robin Mc Donough