Minutes of the board of Directors
April 1994, London, UK
Bruno Paternostre (Belgium)
Kristel Sarlin (Finland)
Yves Epelboin (France)
Jan Knop (Germany)
John Moriarty (Ireland)
Anneke Eurelings (Netherlands)
Chris Hendriks (Netherlands)
Jean Francois Descloux (Switzerland)
Mike Collin (UK)
John Heap (UK)
Robin McDonough (UK)
This report summarises the decisions and actions from the meeting.
1 – Software survey
a) Replies are to be sent to Robin McDonough by those who have not already done so.
b) Mike Johnson (CHEST) and Robin McDonough will meet to consider how to present the results of the survey.
2 – Networking Report
Any corrections are to be sent to Kristel Sarlin by 15 May. She will then send a new version of the report to Yves Epelboin to be distributed to the EUNIS list. This report will be the first official EUNIS publication.
3 – First EUNIS Congress
a) This will be held in Germany in late October or November 1995. The Congress will last two days. The recommendations of the Planning Group contained in the report of their meeting in Helsinki were accepted.
b) Jan Knop, Mike Collin, Eves Epelboin, Kristel Sarlin, Bruno Paternostre and Solke Veling (or Anneke Eurelings) are the planning committee. They will meet in July to draw up programme. Jan Knop will seek funding from some German organisations to cover the planning costs.
c) We will follow two options for sponsorship – from public/government /EU sources and from commercial sources. Mike Collin will co-ordinate these and will circulate the package details which UCISA used to attract sponsors. The following agreed to “sound out” possibilities:
Oracle – John Heap
H.P. – Bruno Paternostre
IBM – Yves Epelboin
DEC – Mike Collin
d) All present agreed to make suggestions about possible guest speakers.
e) It was agreed that the Congress would be conducted in English, French and German where necessary.
4 – EUNIS flier
a) Robin McDonough will produce a EUNIS flier. It will be multi- lingual. Jan Knop agreed to print the flier.
b) John Heap undertook to get a logo designed for EUNIS. This will be included on the flier and in literature.
5 – EUNIS Constitution
Bruno Paternostre, Jean Francois Descloux and Jan Knop will draw up a constitution for EUNIS and circulate this for comments. Bruno Paternostre will act as co-ordinator of this activity.
6 – Funding of EUNIS
It was felt that there may be a source of funds within the EU to help with the establishment of EUNIS. Jan Knop and Anneke Eurelings agreed to investigate this.
7 – Membership
a) Yves Epelboin will circulate existing members to obtain telephone numbers, fax numbers, etc.
b) There is a shortage of contacts in Spain, Italy, Greece, Norway, Eastern Europe and the Baltic States. It was agreed to make a big effort to overcome this.
8 – Future Reports
Chris Hendriks undertook to produce a report on “Developments in Management Information Systems in European Universities”. He will ask for submissions from members, asking them to reply to a number of global questions. His report may include a number of recommendations.
9 – Proposed structure for EUNIS Information
Yves Epelboin will make proposals on how we should structure information in our EUNIS documents/reports/servers.
10 – Date of next meeting
Jan Knop agreed to host the next EUNIS meeting in Dusseldorf on 10/11 October 1994.
Robin McDonough