Minutes of the board of Directors
29th January 2002, London, UK
Present: Jean-Francois Desnos, Ligia Ribeiro, Kristel Sarlin, Andrew Rothery, Yves Epelboin and Ivan Vrana
Absent: Jens Dørup (voting rights delegated to Kristel Sarlin), Jan von Knop (voting rights delegated to Ivan Vrana) and Viljan Mahnic (voting rights delegated to Ligia Ribeiro).
The following agenda of the BoD was approved:
- Discussion about Eunis strategic issues from the morning workshop
- Responsibilities in the board
- Miscellaneous
1. Discussion about Eunis strategic issues from the morning workshop
The BoD agreed to open an e-mail conference between BoD members in order to discuss and further refine the following issues:
- Mission of Eunis – based on the mission statement developed at the morning workshop.
- Internal rules. Kristel Sarlin together with Yves Epelboin will prepare proposals on this issue by Feb.12, 2002 and Kristel Sarlin will also moderate the discussion and coordinate the work.
- Changes to Eunis Statutes with respect to possible changes of membership types and other modifications. Kristel Sarlin will prepare proposals on this issue by Feb.12, 2002 and she will also moderate the discussion and coordinate the work.
- Financial impact of different membership types. Jean-Francois Desnos will prepare initial analysis by Feb.12,2002 and he will also moderate the discussion and coordinate the work.
- Refining rules for organizing Eunis congresses. Ligia Ribeiro will prepare proposals on this issue by Feb.12,2002 and she will also moderate the discussion and coordinate the work.
- Confirmation of acceptance by Dutch representatives to organize Eunis 2003 congress. Ivan Vrana will negotiate with Dutch partners by April 30,2002 and by Feb. 12,2002 he will ask Viljan Mahnic if Slovenia can organize that congress in case Holland fails to do so.
Discussion to all these issues should be concluded by May 15, 2002.
2. Responsibilities in the board
The work of the BoD since the last General Assembly meeting was critically evaluated and after discussion BoD members came to conclusion that changes in responsibilities of BoD members are desirable in order to improve efficiency of the BoD work and to improve on overall Eunis management. The BoD proposed the following distribution of responsibilities:
President: | Kristel Sarlin |
Vice-presidents: | Andrew Rothery |
Ligia Ribeiro | |
Secretary: | Ivan Vrana |
Treasurer: | Jean-Francois Desnos |
This proposal was adopted by a secret ballot with the following results:
- Yes: 7
- No: 1
- Abstain: 1
3. Miscellaneous
It is desirable to activate communication with Eunis members in order to inform them about all Eunis activities. A Eunis newsletter should serve as one of the suitable methods for this purpose.
By Feb. 12, 2002, BoD members should send Ivan Vrana suggestions for messages to the Eunis community. Then he in cooperation with Ron Chisnall will incorporate them into the new issue of Eunis newsletter.
Recorded by: Ligia Ribeiro, Andrew Rothery and Ivan Vrana.