EUNIS Board of Directors
Paris April 6th, 2013
10:00 to 19:15
1. Welcome and registration of participants
Present: Jan Madey (President), Ilkka Siissalo (Vice-President), Hans-Dieter Weckmann (Treasurer), Ramón Grau Sala (Secretary), Mikael Berglund, Gill Ferrell, Pekka Kähkipuro, Michele Mennielli, John Murphy, Arsénio Reis, Lígia Ribeiro, Zigmunds Zitmanis.
Invited: Jean-François Desnos (Executive Secretary), Yves Epelboin (Past President), Harald Spiegl (Assistant to the Treasurer), Kaspars Auzarejs (Organizing Committee, EUNIS 2013).
2. Approval of minutes from the Board meeting in Vila Real
Approved unanimously.
3. Events
Jean-François Desnos presented various activities planned for the year 2013:
- E-Learning Task Force in Lausanne, next week (15-16 April). There are 26 participants registered from different countries. The main topic will be MOOCs. The host is Christian Zufferey, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
- BI Task Force in Paris, organized by AMUE and CINECA in late November or early December. Mariana Losada from AMUE shall inform the Board members of the exact date.
- RS3G Task Force: some of the members of the group will visit Beijing next week, to continue the Gröningen initiative. Michele and Ramón have been asked to write (during the next weeks) a short report of the present activities and the plans of the group.
- Bencheit: extended to 15 European institutions.
Congress 2013 (Riga) snapshot presentation.
Zigmunds Zitmanis outlined the preparation of the 2013 Congress, including the current registration and submitted papers. The following issues have been also presented and discussed:
- Video Show
- Agenda
- Awards
- New APP for EUNIS Congress
- Rating by APP application & Physical Label
- Photo in twitter
- Information about web
- Social Program
Jean-François reviewed the status of the next EUNIS Congresses: 2014 (Umeå, Sweden) and 2015 (Dundee, Scotland). The latter one is supposed to be discussed during the Board & General Assembly meetings in Riga.
Pekka and Ilkka announced the next Rectors’ Conference to be held in Helsinki in March 2014. More details will be given during the next Board Meeting in Riga.
4. Members / Board
There were presented some of the activities/events members of Board have attended since the last Board meeting as well as the participation of EUNIS individuals at various external events (USA, China, ECCA in Portugal, TERENA).
Following Board members have agreed to be the representatives at the following events:
- Yves at Educause
- Janina Mincer-Daszkiewicz (RS3G) to Bejing, China – representing EUNIS instead of Jan
- Lígia at Portugal ECCA
- Yves at TERENA
- Jean-François at CSIESR in Poitiers, France
The issue of the definition of «personal members» was discussed. According to the status, all individuals employed by university or HE institution not being the EUNIS member, individuals not in employment (retired, unemployed, student) or self-employed can be the
personal members.
The problem of the fee to be paid by Congress participants from consortia was discussed – we should stick to the status. Jean-François shall inform the IS4U people on that decision.
Hans-Dieter presented the actual EUNIS members’ list and the budget including the information of income from Vila-Real and Dublin surplus.
The status of the Board membership was discussed:
- Two of Board members end their terms in 2013: John Murphy and Ilkka Siissalo; both are entitled to be re-elected and are willing to serve for the next term.
- Zigmunds Zitmanis and Michele Mennielli, co-opted to the Board, need to be revalidated by the General Assembly.
- It was agreed for upcoming elections to the Board to present the candidates at the webpage 2-3 weeks ahead.
- The renewal of President for 2015 is necessary as Jan’s membership period in the Board reaches nine years of presence.
- AMUE is interested in delegation its candidate to the Board.
5. Activities
The following was addressed:
- EUNIS Task Forces activities review.
- A review of various marketing activities done by Nicola was discussed and it was agreed a marketing plan should be submitted at the next Board Meeting.
- Expanding EUNIS discussion is planned for the next Board meeting.
6. Any other issue
Agreed to include in the next Board agenda the following items:
- EUNIS Marketing Plan.
- Rectors’ Conference 2014.
- Associations in Europe and relations.
7. Next Board Meeting
Two next Board meetings will be held in Riga in June (date to be defined soon).
The Board meeting in Umeå should take place in early October – the hosts will contact the Board about it as soon as possible.