Minutes of the board of Directors
14th April 1994, Poznan, Poland
Present delegates:
Y. Epelboin, J. F. Desnos, K. Sarlin, S. Caramihai and A. Stanescu (observers for Romania), A. Salu (observer for Estonia), B. Cordewener, H. v. Linde, M. Price (observer for UK), G. David (observer for Portugal), D. Tothová, V. Mahnic, J. Dorup, N. Hensen, I. Vrana, S. Slopien
J. Knop, R. McDonough, P. Mederly, S. Berglund, S. Martisius, A. Reid, L. Ribeiro, A. Sandalov, K. Simonski, G. Young, P. Uba.
1. Report of the president for the last year
2. Report from the treasurer
3. Eunis activities for the next year
- Executive secretary and organisation of the work
- Software survey
- Exchange program
- Eunis award of excellence
- Other surveys
4. Corporate membership
- Strategy
- Corporate workshop
5. Introduction of membership fee
6. Next Eunis congresses
- Discussion on rules to organise next congresses and avoid problems
- Eunis 2001 Berlin
- Eunis 2002 Porto
7. Other subjects
1. Eunis President Yves Epelboin welcomes all delegates. Then he asks for approval of the program which is accepted unanimously.
The president informed that the year 1999 was a year of important changes for Eunis:
- Corporate membership has been practically established
- Ron Chisnall was employed as a part-time Eunis executive secretary
- A successful Eunis 99 congress was organised in Helsinki.
- Membership extended to further countries: Denmark and Pakistan as associate member
The report of president was approved unanimously.
2. The treasurer J.F. Desnos has given figures on income and expenditure of Eunis in 1999. The report of the treasurer was accepted unanimously.
3. The following activities are running or foreseen in the year 2000:
- Peter Mederly, the Eunis secretary, resigned because of an excessive work-load in his occupation at the Ministry of Education.
- The General Assembly accepted this resignation and expressed a high appreciation to Peter’s contribution to the Eunis activities. The GA assigned the task to the president to thank Peter in written on behalf of Eunis.
- The president nominated Ivan Vrana to the function of Eunis secretary until the next regular elections. GA elected Ivan Vrana unanimously.
- The role of Eunis secretary will be to co-ordinate activities of Eunis and Ron Chisnall work.
- Software survey should continue. This survey should focus only at generally used products and should be conducted in such a way that its results cannot be misused in disadvantage of individual countries or responders.
- Exchange program should continue and should be accompanied by:
- Reports of participants on the web,
- Offers of opportunities on the web
- Extended by presenting information of Europe-wide job opportunities presented on Eunis web.
- The Eunis web server will physically move from Paris to Düsseldorf, where Jan Knop will organise its further operation.
- Eunis award of excellence is by its regulations oriented exclusively at a management (administrative) software. The call for applications should be disseminated to all Eunis countries with a reference to rules published on Eunis web pages. Information of winners should also be disseminated in this way.
It is possible to encourage other companies to organise Eunis award of excellence in other fields, too.
- Kristel Sarlin organises a survey on networking issues. All member countries are strongly asked to contribute to this survey which shall be completed by report presented at a conference (and also for use of our corporate members).
There were no suggestions concerning other surveys.
4. Corporate membership:
- The membership fee will be derived from the size of the company.
- A corporate workshop will take place in Cannes or Paris in November 2000
5. The GA unanimously adopted a membership fee of 100 Euro/country/year. This is valid for the year 2000 and it can be modified by the GA at its next meetings. The executive secretary should announce this information to representatives of member countries (mainly those apologised from Poznan). The treasurer should fix the form of an invoice and send invoices to representatives of all member countries.
6. It is desirable to guarantee a high professional and scientific level of Eunis congresses. The program should be prepared with the greatest care and well in time. It seems be desirable to include also a corporate track into the program.
- The Eunis 2001 congress will take place in Berlin, April 4 – 6, at the campus of the Humboldt university. Its title will be: “Supporting change in universities through technology” The scientific committee and the timetable should be fixed soon. A full day meeting of the GA will take place during the congress. Electronic form of posters is also recommended.
- The Eunis 2002 congress will take place in Porto, Portugal, in April 2000 (one week after Easter). Organisers should report about the progress (and problems) at the next GA meeting.
7. J.F. Desnos presented the provision the Eunis 2000 budget with its expected incomes (fees) and expenditures. It was recommended to construct the budget as a balanced one. GA accepted this budget unanimously.
8. The president expressed his thanks to the Polish delegate Stanislaw Slopien for organising the congress and the GA meeting and for the hospitality.
Recorded by Ivan Vrana