Minutes of the Council
29th June 2006, Tartu, Estonia
Ligia Ribeiro (President) took the chair.
Representing National organisations:
Finland: Markku Kuula (Board member until 2008), Germany: Hans-Dieter Weckmann, Norway: Alf Hansen, Poland: Jan Madey, Slovakia: Darina Tothova, Spain: Javier Franco,UK: Peter Tinson
Representing Institutions:
Denmark: Lars Kayser,Estonia: Andres Salu (Board member until 2008), Finland: Tapani Kalmi, France: Jean-Francois Desnos (Board member until 2006), Ireland: Michael Nowlan, Netherlands: Marc Dupuis (representing Hans Ogg), Poland: Wojciech Zielinski, Portugal: Arsenio Reis,Slovenia: Viljan Mahnic (Board member until 2008), UK: Andrew Rothery (Board member until 2006)
Note: Ligia Ribeiro (Portugal) of the EUNIS Board of Directors is a member of Council, ex-officio, until her term of office as Director comes to an end in 2006.
Apologies for AbsencePierre Ageron, Bas Cordewener, Kurt Grabher and Ivan Vrana sent apologies for their absence. Ivan Vrana asked Viljan Mahnic to act as his proxy in any vote.
The President (Ligia Ribeiro) welcomed new members to the EUNIS Council.
2. Appointment of Scrutineers
Yves Epelboin (past President) and Peter Tinson (UK) were appointed scrutineers for the elections to the EUNIS Board of Directors.
3. Matters arising from the General Assembly
There were no matters raised by the General Assembly for discussion by the Council.
4. Approval of new Members since 2005 meeting
Council formally admitted the following to membership of EUNIS:
Full Members:
International Business School (Bulgaria)
University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
L’Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France)
Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (Ireland)
Hogeschool Drenthe (Netherlands)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
Police Academy of the Netherlands (Netherlands)
Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands)
UNINETT (Norway)
University of Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro)
Universitat Jaume I de Castellon (Spain)
University of Murcia (Spain)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)
Corporate Members:
Framework Solutions (Ireland)
KION SpA (Italy)
Total Membership: Full – 84; Corresponding – 3; Corporate – 11
During the year there had been an overall increase in membership of 24%.
5. Proposed activities for 2006-7
The Council discussed several proposed activities for the forthcoming year.
a. EUNIS Task Force on the implications of the Bologna Process
EUNIS will set up a second Task Force to work on the implications of the Bologna Process for IT services in Higher Education. A bid (jointly with CSIESR, EUA, UCISA and ZKI) has already been submitted to the EC Socrates Programme to fund a project in this area. The Task Force will be established whether or not the bid is successful. The leader will be Pierre Ageron (CSIESR, France).
b. EUNIS web site
The EUNIS web site is being redeveloped by Yves Epelboin and colleagues at Université P et M Curie, Paris. The new version will be ready in a few months time. Members of Council will be invited to suggest and contribute content for the new site.
c. Jens Dørup Elite Award for E-Learning
An additional EUNIS Award is being created in memory of Jens Dørup, in the area of E-Learning where he had done so much pioneering work. The first competition for this Award will take place in 2007.
d. Grid Computing
The President asked whether members were wished to explore Grid Computing, possibly as a special interest group within EUNIS, but there was little interest in this subject at the moment.
e. Mechanism to facilitate exchanges with CAUDIT in Australasia
Council agreed to set up a mechanism with our Australian sister organisation CAUDIT to advertise opportunities for staff exchanges between Europe and Australasia. Peter Tinson (UCISA, UK) volunteered to take this on.Members of Council were asked to suggest any further ideas for EUNIS activities to the Executive Secretary (Martin Price – eunis@reading.ac.uk)
6. Future EUNIS Annual Conferences
It had already been announced at the General Assembly that EUNIS2007 will be held in Grenoble, France from 26-29 June 2007. For 2008 Jens Dørup had hoped to host the Conference at the University of Århus in Denmark. Following Jens’ sad death the EUNIS Board had assumed it would no longer be possible to hold EUNIS2008 at Århus, but our colleagues from Denmark would still like to host the 2008 conference there. The Board will discuss this further with representatives of Århus University. Colleagues from the Netherlands and Portugal have volunteered to host future EUNIS conferences, and will consider hosting EUNIS2008 if necessary.Jan Madey wishes to host EUNIS2009 at the University of Warsaw, Poland.
7. Election of four members of EUNIS Board of Directors
Item 7 of the Agenda had proposed that Ligia Ribeiro should replace Jens Dørup for the remaining twelve months of his membership of the Board of Directors. At Ligia’s request this item was withdrawn. Although she planned to remain active in EUNIS she felt she should make way for a new member of the Board.An election took place for four Board members. The first three in the ballot would serve for three years, the fourth person for one year only (replacing Jens Dørup). There were six candidates for the four positions. Each person spoke for a few minutes to explain why they wished to become a Board member.[The results of the elections were announced later in the Conference]:
Elected for three years until 2009
Jean-Francois Desnos (France) | 16 votes Elected |
Andrew Rothery (UK) | 14 votes Elected |
Jan Madey (Poland) | 12 votes Elected for one year until 2007 |
Hans-Dieter Weckmann (Germany) | 11 votes |
Michael Nowlan (Ireland) | 10 votes |
Arsenio Reis (Portugal) | 5 votes |
8. Vote of thanks to Ligia Ribeiro
On behalf of EUNIS Yves Epelboin thanked Ligia Libeiro for the immense work she had done as fifth President of the organisation, and he looked forward to welcoming her to the exclusive club of former presidents.