EUNIS Board of Directors
Vila Real June 19th, 2012
17:00 to 19:00
1. Welcome and registration of participants
Present: Jan Madey (President), Ilkka Siissalo (Vice-President), Hans-Dieter Weckmann (Treasurer), Ramon Grau Sala (Secretary), Nicola Bertazzoni, Pekka Kahkipuro, John Murphy, Arsenio Reis, Lígia Ribeiro
Excused: Gill Ferrell
Absent: Orla Hoppe
Invited: Jean-François Desnos (Executive Secretary), Anna Pacholak (Assistant to the President).
2. Approval of minutes from the Board meeting in Dublin
Approved unanimously.
About the 2011 Congress in Dublin, John Murphy announces a surplus of around 10 000 € that he intends to give to EUNIS. The Board unanimously thanks John for his elegant donation.
3. Rectors’ Conference in Prague
President Jan Madey presented the results of the Rector’s Conference held in Prague last May, hosted by Ivan Vrana (EUNIS-CZ). The success was important, by the number and the quality of attendees. The final appreciation of the delegates was generally very good.
However, a deficit of about 6 000 – 7 000 € is announced. The Board unanimously accepts to
pay for it.
4. Discussion around the proposed new fee
Approved unanimously, a new annual fee of 500 € for regular members will be proposed to the GA.
The «benefits» have to be updated (Lígia Ribeiro). To be discussed in Riga in October.
5. Financial point: budget, expenses, balance at bank
Treasurer Hans-Dieter Weckmann presented:
- The 2011-2012 accounts, in surplus of 10 034 €.
Remarks: the year is not yet completed (it will be the case on August 31st, 2012). This surplus is due to severe savings (e.g. no salary for the Executive Secretary, cancellation of some planned events or expenses). - The 2012-2013 budget, with an estimated surplus of 5 000 €.
- The balance at Nordea Bank, showing a surplus of 105 948 €.
Recommendation for the GA: from now, EUNIS events should make a difference of at least
100 € between a member and a non-member registration fee.
The accounts and the recommendation were approved unanimously.
6. Membership : new members
New members accepted by the Board since 1st of January 2012 are:
Regular members:
Stendhal University, Grenoble (France)
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany)
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland)
Aalto University (Finland)
Corporate members:
Akari Software Ltd. (Ireland)
Red Point Software Solutions (Romania)
Fulcrum Worldwide (UK)
The GA needs to validate the new members.
7. New statutes: proposal to the GA
The proposal of new statutes is approved unanimously with the addition of the word «and international» at article 2:
«establish relationships with supervisory organizations in charge of information systems in higher education and in research institutes in each country as well as at the European and international level».
8. Internal rules
The proposal of new Internal rules is approved unanimously.
9. The new web site
The members of the Board are kindly requested to read (« scan ») accurately the information of the web site, in order to update obsolete info and correct possible mistakes.
10. Next Congresses :
2013 Latvia: Zigmunds Sitmanis (Riga Technical university) decided,
2014 Sweden: Mikael Berglund (University of Umeå) decided,
2015 Scotland: Michael Turpie (University of Abertay, Dundee) proposal.
11. Expected activities 2012-2013
Congress in Riga, Task Forces, links with TERENA, UEA.
Sponsoring conferences should be done by EUNIS.
Next meeting: nominate a sponsor manager at the Board.
12. Document: Guidelines fo events organizers
Approved unanimously.
13. Renewal of the Board
The outgoing members of the Board are: Hans-Dieter Weckmann (Germany), Gill Ferrell (UK), Orla Hoppe (Denmark) and Jan Madey (Poland).
Weckmann, Ferrell and Madey are candidates. One candidate from the GA: Mikael Berglund (Umeå, Sweden).
The four candidates can all be elected by the GA.
14. Next Board meeting
The next Board meeting will be in Riga in October (date to be defined soon).
29/06/2012 JFD