EUNIS General Assembly
Vila Real, June 21st, 2012
18:00 to 19:20
The annual meeting of the EUNIS General Assembly took place during the EUNIS 2012
Congress in Vila Real (Portugal) on June 21st, 2012, 18:00 to 19:30
1. Welcome and registration of representatives
Paulo Alexandre Vara Alves, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança; Mikael Berglund, University of Umea; Nicola Bertazzoni, CINECA; Elsa Cardoso, ISCTE-IUL; RobertDąbrowski, University of Warsaw; Darina Tothova, Eunis-Slovakia; François Cadé(represented by Jean-François Desnos), Université Paris Descartes; Hendrik Eggers, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg; Yves Epelboin (represented by Lígia Ribeiro), Université P&M Curie; Victoriano Giralt, University of Malaga; Paul Hopkins, University of West London; Uwe Huebner (represented by Peter Muessig-Trapp), HIS; Grzegorz Jarzembski (represented by Maciej Pańka), N. Copernicus U. in Toruń; PekkaKahkipuro, Aalto University; Alberto Leone, AlmaLaurea; Jan Madey, MUCI; Gumbau Mezquita, Universitat Jaume I de Castelló; John Murphy, Trinity College Dublin; Kuno Öhrman, Hanken School of Economics; Simone Ravaioli, KION SpA; Arsénio Monteiro dosReis, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro; Lígia Ribeiro, Universidade do Porto; Manuel Rivera, Oficina de Cooperación Universitaria (OCU); Ramon Grau Sala, SIGMA Gestion Universitaria; Andres Salu, University of Tartu; Ilka Siissalo, University of Helsinki; Adam Stolarski, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; Ivan Vrana, Eunis-CZ; Hans-Dieter Weckmann, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf; ZKI Germany, represented by Hans-Dieter Weckmann.
Present or represented members: 31
Invited: Jean-François Desnos, EUNIS Executive Secretary; Anna Pacholak,
Assistant to the EUNIS President.
2. Approval of the minutes from the last GA meeting in Dublin (June 2011)
Approved unanimously with a name correction: Hanken (and not Harker) School of Economics is a new member of EUNIS in 2010-2011.
3. Proposed new statutes
Approved unanimously with the addition of the words «and international» at article 2: «to establish relationships with supervisory organizations in charge of information systems in higher education and in research institutes in each country as well as at the European and international level».
4. Internal rules
Approved unanimously.
5. New members accepted by the Board since 1st of January 2012
Regular members:
Stendhal University, Grenoble (France)
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany)
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland)
Aalto University (Finland)
Corporate members:
Akari Software Ltd. (Ireland)
Red Point Software Solutions (Romania)
Fulcrum Worldwide (UK)
Approved unanimously.
The number of members is now of 107.
This number includes consortia, each of them having a large number of
universities and HE institutions as members.
The new members will be added to the eunis@ lists.
6. Report on EUNIS activities 2011-2012
The working groups of EUNIS (Task Forces) reported their activity:
- RS3G, which animated a pre-Congress seminar on June 19th ,
- BENCHEIT: their surveys will be opened next year to all EUNISmembers,
- Business Intelligence Group, which had a “Birds of a Feather” meeting in the morning,
- E-Learning Task Force (no Doerup Award this year),
- The New Web Site team,
- The Ignite EUNIS (on June 19th evening) group,
- The Newsletter team,
- The Rector’s Conference Committees reported this great event which took place in Prague in May.
Future activities:
- There will be a TERENA Task Force at EUNIS 2013
- The next Rectors Conference will be held in 2014 in Finland
- Next Congresses:
2013 Riga Technical University (Latvia)
2014 University of Umeå (Sweden)
2015 University of Abertay in Dundee (UK), accepted by the Board.
7. Vote on the proposed a new membership fees starting from 2012-2013
President Jan Madey proposed a fee of 500 € for regular members starting from 2012-2013. This would allow a balanced budget.
Approved unanimously.
8. Financial report and budget
Treasurer Hans-Dieter Weckmann presented:
The 2011-2012 accounts, with a surplus of 10 034 Euros.
Remarks : the year is not yet completed (it will be the case on August 31st,
2012). This surplus is due to severe savings (e.g. no salary for the Executive
Secretary, cancellation of some planned events or expenses).
The 2012-2013 budget, with an estimated surplus of 5 000 Euros.
The balance at Nordea Bank, showing a surplus of 105 948 Euros.
Recommendation of the GA: from now, EUNIS events should make a difference of at least 100 Euros between a member and a non-member registration fee.
The accounts and the recommendation were approved unanimously.
9. Election of scrutinisers fors the election of Board members
Three scrutinisers were unanimously elected:
Victoriano Giralt, John Murphy, Anna Pacholak
10. Election of – up to five – new Board members
The outgoing members of the Board are: Hans-Dieter Weckmann (Germany), Gill Ferrell (UK), Orla Hoppe (Denmark) and Jan Madey (Poland).
Weckmann, Ferrell and Madey are candidates. One new candidate: Mikael Berglund (Umeå, Sweden)
The four candidates: Weckmann, Ferrell and Madey and Berglund are unanimously elected.
The Board is now made up of the eleven following representatives (the year is the end of term):
2013: Siissalo, Murphy, Ribeiro
2014: Bertazzoni, Grau Sala, Kahkipuro, Reis
2015: Madey, Weckmann, Ferrell, Berglund
No other issue being raised, the meeting was ended at 19:20.
June 26th, 2012
The Executive Secretary,
Jean-François Desnos