EUNIS Board of Directors
The EUNIS Board met at the University of Warsaw, Poland, on 23rd June 2010.

The EUNIS President, Jan Madey (Poland) took the chair. Present at the meeting were: 

Jan Madey (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Viljan Mahnic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Hans-Dieter Weckmann (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Peter Tinson (UCISA, UK)
Gill Ferrell (JISCinfoNet, UK)
Orla Hoppe (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
Arsenio Reis (UTAD, Portugal)

Kristel Sarlin (EUNIS Executive Secretary, past President, Finland)
Ligia Ribeiro (past President, Portugal)
Jean-Francois Desnos (past President, France)
Yves Epelboin (past President, France)


Katarzyna Łukaszewska (University of Warsaw, Poland)


Javier Franco (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

Pierre Ageron (CSIESR, France)


Robert Sultana (University of Malta, Malta)

Lars Kayser (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)


Jan Madey opened the meeting and welcomed all participants.

1. Approvals

The minutes of the 3-4 October 2009 meeting in Warsaw were approved.

2. EUNIS2010 – last minutes issues

The breakeven point for the EUNIS2010 conference was met, but there were two problems: too few sponsors and too few participants who paid. Another problem was that not all full papers were delivered.

General problem:

Too few EUNIS members paid. There is a need for a list of EUNIS members per country and someone in each country to promote memberships.

3. Summary of activities 2009-2010

21.9.2009       Jan Madey and Kristel Sarlin met with Janne Kanner (president) and Karel Wietch (executive secretary)

of TERENA to discuss possible co-operation

3 – 4.10.2009  EUNIS Board meeting in Warsaw

RS3G (Rome Student Systems and Standards Group)


16.9.2009 Empowering student mobility: digital student data portability, in Madrid, Spain at EAIE
16. -17.11.2009 From IDea to Action! Focusing on Identity Management and Mobility Project in Uppsala, Sweden with KION
18.3.2010 RS3G Mobility Project & Federated Identity and Access Management in Bologna, Italy
22.6.2010 “Moving forward” – projects, standards and implementation in support of the EHEA, in Warsaw, Poland with KION

ELFT (eLearning Task Force)

4.2.2010        Task Force Meeting in Barcelona, Spain at Open University of Catalonia

MIS Task Force Seminar 

19.3.2010        Research Information Systems as a core driver for the European Research Area, in Bologna, Italy with CINECA

EUNIS Updates 

24.3.2010       ZKI-meeting in Potsdam, Germany (Jan Madey) and the Finnish IT-Directors´ spring conference in Helsinki, Finland (Kristel Sarlin)

Annual Conference in Warsaw, Poland 22.-25.6.2010

4. New Members joined since 1.9.2009

Full Members:

UNIC-C, The Danish IT-Centre for Education and Research (Denmark)

Aalto University (Finland) (HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY RENAMED after fusion)
CSC Center for Scientific Computing (Finland)
University of Helsinki (Finland)
Hanken School of Economics (Finland)
University of Tampere (Finland)

Université de Lyon (France)
Université de Bourgogne (France)

University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland)
Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (Poland)
Warsaw School of Computer Science (Poland)
Warsaw School of Life Sciences (Poland)
Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Universidade de Minho – Escola de Engenharia (Portugal)

Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (Romania)

Open University of Catalonia (Spain)
University of Granada (Spain)
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

University of Abertay Dundee (UK)
University of Leicester (UK)

The following members have resigned:

AHE Lodz (Poland)
City University (UK)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
Saxion Hogescholen (Netherlands)
University of the Arts (UK)
University of Birmingham (UK)
University of Reading (UK)

Corporate Members:

KION (Italy)
SunGard (rejoined)

Rejected application:

Private Sector development Research Group (Cameroon)

Total new members: Full – 22; Corresponding – 0; Corporate – 1

Total members: Full – 142; Corresponding – 3; Corporate – 5

5. Finance

The statement of accounts 2009-2010 by Peter Tinson was approved. The budget for 2010-2011 by Peter Tinson was approved.

6. Future EUNIS annual conferences

EUNIS conference in 2011 will take place in Dublin, Ireland, 15.-17.6. The organizer will be John Murphy (Trinity College).

EUNIS conference in 2012 will take place in Vila Real, Portugal, 13.-15.6. The organizer will be Arsenio Reis (UTAD).

Plans for further conferences:
  • 2013 (University of Zagreb, Croatia).
  • 2014 – Sören Berglund (Umeå University, Sweden). Umeå is a European Cultural Capital in 2014. The Board met representatives of LADOK who presented a proposal to host the EUNIS conference of 2014 in Umeå, Sweden. The Board approved the proposal.
7. Future EUNIS activities
7.1 Rectors´ seminar in 2011
7.2 Task Forces / Workshops
    • E-Learning Task Force (Gill Ferrell)
    • MIS Task Force (Viljan Mahnic, Jean-Francois Desnos, Ligia Ribeiro)
    • ICT Performance Indicators Task Force (Javier Franco, Peter Tinson)
    • RS3G Task Force (Jean-Francois Desnos, Viljan Mahnic)
7.3 EUNIS Top Concerns survey (Peter Tinson, Hans-Dieter Weckmann)
Top Concerns are surveyed in UCISA and ZKI. EUNIS is planning an electronic survey like UCISA´s next year.
8. Appointment of project to renew the EUNIS web site
  • Redesign of the logical structure (Orla Hoppe, Gill Ferrell, Kristel Sarlin)
  • Usage of social networks (e.g. Facebook) to promote and bring together the EUNIS community (Arsenio Reis)
  • Archive: Documents, facts and pictures from EUNIS past years are going to be gathered (Yves Epelboin, Jean-Francois Desnos, Ligia Ribeiro, Kristel Sarlin
9. Review of actions from previous meeting
  • proposal to create EUNIS User Groups (JF) continued
  • reminder invoices to members including annual statement of EUNIS activities (PT);
  • we need the information about the members who paid
  • draft what the benefits are to be a member. This should accompany invoices to new members (PT) continued
  • get confirmation of representative name of member institutions (PT)
  • ask institution representatives what is the best time for the invoice (PT)
  • supplement the guidelines for organising conferences with questions to answer concerning distances, travel, accommodation etc. (OH, JF, JM)
10. EUNIS Elite Award for Excellence
  • No award in 2010, 2009, 2008
  • The continuation of the Elite Award for Excellence in 2011 was discussed.
11. External links (contact persons)

a. CAUDIT Council of Australian University of Information Technology (Peter Tinson)

b. EAIE European Association for International Education (Jan Madey, Jean-Francois Desnos)

c. EDUCAUSE (Peter Tinson, Yves Epelboin)

d. EUA European University Association (Jan Madey, Jean-Francois Desnos, Yves Epelboin)

e. HUMANE Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe(Jean-Francois Desnos, Ilkka Siissalo)

f. TERENA (Yves Epelboin, Ligia Ribeiro, Jan Madey)

g. SAP (Hans-Dieter Weckmann, Jan Madey)

12. Conference Fee subsidies

A mechanism is needed to ensure up-to-date information on paid memberships.

13. Any other business

The next Board meeting will take place in Dublin. Hans-Dieter Weckmann will find the date via doodle.


Hans-Dieter Weckmann
EUNIS Secretary